
Marital problems

Q: I tied knot in 2011 and my rukhsati was in the same year. It's been four years since my marriage now and I'm in the same box for years. My mother-in-law started disliking me the day I got married in short neither she nor anyone in my husband's family was in the favour of this marriage. The real problem started just after a week when she start making wrong assumptions about me and spread false information about me around the neighbours and relatives(I never met). My mother in law was unjust toward me and portrayed a image of evil daughter in law. I felt strange and bad at the same time, I wasn't sure of what's going on till I asked her directly that " was she in the favour of this marriage?" Her answer was plain no. Let me add this that my rukhsati was held in Islamabad from where I'm and it was a simple function in which none of my husband's family attended except his mother because my mother insisted my mother in law. My mother in law before rukhsati said to send her along my husband which my mother didn't approve. And during the function she introduced the girl she chose for my husband by saying "she is the girl I chose for my son". She also have stated some mean things about my mother and my siblings. She created a lot of problems in the house by calling my husband and saying inappropriate things to him. My husband psychologically was tired and not stable when he decided to move out. And after four years none of my husband's family member is in touch with me they still say bad things about me for eg his sister said I'm not a good girl, his brother tried to create problem between us by saying she is trying to distance you from them and always say negative things about me to which my husband believed. This is just one problem and the other was y relation with my husband during the time when my in laws were doing all this, my husband told me that he is having a problem of ED, we still have not developed a relation of husband and wife due to his problem and his lack of interest( I can say). For past four years, my husband had consulted four doctors only. Whenever I talk to him about it he gets frustrated and I can't make him feel him bad so I choose my words wisely. Though he hadn't done anything about it and I don't know how long this will continue. I told my mom about this and she advised me to come back home and I never left my husband with a believe that we can solve this and things will work out and I was wrong. My husband fulfils other duties and provide me with things but there is always something missing. After my marriage he was also in a favour of adoption. I stress a lot about our problem and my husband doesn't seem to care. It's just not the problem it's more of our relation. He don't think about us. He stress over his duty towards his parents and he fears that he will be held accountable for them only. He believes moving out of his parents house means he abandoned them. Though he asked his parents to move in with us on which his mother said "I can't live with your wife". Recently, he got a job opportunity from abroad and he declined by saying he can't go out till his parents are alive and he psychologically is in peace because of them (his parents). He don't think about us or our problem, he seems to not care. He takes me for granted and I know this now. I don't know what my purpose is in my husband's life. I feel depress and not wanted at times. I know I have every right to ask for divorce.. I'm too weak for that as I loved this man and expects a lot from him but I get dishearten every time. I have seek Allah's help and prayed for things to get better but I'm still standing there. I'm not happy anymore. I'm in depression. I have written everything about my marriage life and things going on and how I feel. There is nothing I have exaggerated or added anything of my own. I just need some help to pull myself from this.

Thinking about the poor and needy

Q: I personally feel so guilty when I eat good foods and wear good clothes and live according to my comforts when I see those African kids dying of hunger and thirst. Will Allah Ta'ala ask us about them? What should be our policy in this matter? I mean can we eat and wear what Allah Ta'ala has given us or we should live very zaahidana life and feed those hungry people? I can't be peaceful and eat and drink when I see those hungry people who are near to death but how can I feed them all. Please mufti saheb advise me in this regard what should be the stance that I should adopt. Has Allah Ta'ala made lot of people struck in poverty to test people those who are well off?

Mother ill treating one

Q: I am divorced and have been living with my mother for the past 10 years. I have always been working and supported her for all that time. But last year for 8 months I was unemployed. And for this reason my mother did not provide me with food. I was also not allowed to bath. I suffered a lot but I never said anything or complained. By my second night without food all I could think about was filling my tummy. I went to the neighbour and asked her for a slice of bread. I went home that night and cried. But I didn't cry for me. I cried for those that didn't have a neighbour they could go to. It was a very difficult time for me, but Alhamdulillah Allah carried me through. I have accepted that it was a test from Allah and it has brought me closer to Allah. But what I do struggle with is the fact that my mother found it in her heart to do that to me. I have conflict within myself and I'm trying to let go of that feeling. How do I let it go and stop thinking about it. Also understand that as old as I am (41) I have never uttered a rude word or harmed my mother in any way. I always remain quiet when she for some reason is upset with me. That is why I am struggling to understand and accept her behaviour.

Financial problems

Q: I am in a financial problem were I have invested all my money and have not yet been paid. It's gone three months and therefore I am having difficulty in buying food, paying my rent as well as my accounts. Someone told me to read Surah Yaseen and Saffaat. Is this correct? Also what can I read for my situation?

Opinions and comments of people

Q: I am 28 years old and feel problems in learning and understanding things. I am physically weak but I worked hard in education and reached Software Engineering level and passed it. I faced many diseases since childhood but now I have no apparent disease besides I am still weak. I undergone my medical tests but doctors told me that I have no significant problem. In daily life I feel problems in doing, understanding and learning things. And due to these problems I spent plenty of time on researching about mental and Psychological health issues which makes me exhausted besides wastage of my time. Most of the time I feel depressed. Real problem is that when I compare my self with my other fellows, I feel disappointed regarding my abilities. I also feel that my relatives also compare me with others and they feel that I am not doing up to the standard. Now I want to ask that did Allah Almighty create every person with equal abilities? Or are some people born with problems? How can I be satisfied with my present abilities? Some doctors and other people told me that I have no problem just have over sensitivity that makes me anxious. I feel disappointed when I solve a problem in 3 hours but others solves it in 3 minutes. I feel comparatively deficient. Please read my problems carefully and guide me according to Islamic teachings so that I may be able to live a healthy life.


Q: I have a mental condition called psychosis, OCD, split personality disorder and I sometimes just completely just zone out randomly (previous to them I'll be completely engrossed in the remembrance of Allah) and i will start going through my memories of events by judging people, talking to or about them as if I am enacting them, and sometimes my body goes into automation (either 100% or partial while I'm still able to control my self) and I start backbiting them or I just have the emotion of malice that is not genuine and the next word or phrase I say is something dangerously close to backbiting or it is backbiting. In these situations did I backbite these people and do I need to seek forgiveness from the people I have backbited while I was still partial in control? (for example, I'll be randomly talking and acting out a discussion of two people and I will have the emotion of hatred for them and I'll put myself where my next word is to speak bad about them or is dangerously close to it.) I also do these things while I'm talking to Allah myself or to unknown made up intentions to the surrounding area of where I am (I am almost 100% alone when I am doing this).

US visa problem

Q: I have applied for US non-immigration visa to meet my son with my wife and daughter. Today we gave interview but the embassy refused. Now I want to appeal, please suggest.

Interacting with women in the work place

Q: I work in a call centre and my role involves taking calls and speaking to customers. Some of them are women. Unfortunately, living in the UK it's hardly avoidable not to find employment that doesn't involve having some interaction with the opposite gender with the exception of some sort of manual labour work which, is tiresome, and pays very low for long hours. That's not ideal with everything so expensive here now. Alhamdulillah, I try my utmost best to minimise as much interaction as possible. There is never any physical contact just eye contact, and verbal communication. I never do the following:

- Have dinner with them during lunch hours

- Play pool with them during lunch hours like other brothers

- Engage in causal chit-chat, but strictly work related when necessary, only gentle response to a good morning or when they greet me with a pretentious smile

- I never offer them or accept a drive home or to work

- I never get in the elevator if there is more than one female

I always say astagfirullah as much as possible for any shortcoming and just for interacting even when I needed to. With this in mind, am I still sinning working where I am? Allah says in the Qur’an to fear him as much as we can, and I do my utmost best, but it is also frudh for a man to make a living for his family.

Stray thoughts

Q: I am a Muslim girl. I want to ask you a question about how can I get rid of my evil habits and my evil thoughts. Whenever I start praying to Allah Ta'ala and remember Allah Ta'ala and my Nabi-e-Kareem (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) many bad intentions come into my mind. I say many bad things which I don't want to say when I recite the name of Allah Ta'ala or use my Holy Qur'an. I am restless and don't know what to. Please help me for the sake of Allah Ta'ala.