
Becoming despondent

Q: I feel very disturbed right now. I know I havn't been sincere the whole time I was practicing deen and I have even had polluted intentions of practicing whole deen. From what I understand is that none of my ibaadat will get excepted except durroods. What can a person like me do in this situation. I know that I still need to obey Allah regardless but I feel very miserable right now and it is affecting my ibaadat. Please help.

Haraam relationship

Q: I am 15/16 years old. I have unfortunately fallen in love with my cousin. I don't know how it happened but it did. I tell myself that it's infatuation. I really don't know what to do. My thoughts are about him for more than 1/4 of the day. I hardly ever speak to him. Either way we don't generally communicate. We do if there's a need. I do unfortunately see him and there's no purda between us. I need help. I want to stop thinking about him. I am not in the position for marriage right now, I want to focus on my studies. I feel sad when I see him on social networks etc. and not following me back or liking other girls posts, tweets or pictures. etc. I hate myself so much for feeling like this. The thoughts come and I don't know what to do. Sometimes I literally bite my arm to stop my stupid mind. Please advise on what can I do? I am doing hifz and Aalimah. I can't believe how bad I've become.

Turning to Allah Ta'ala and being positive

Q: I am 28 years old and married. I am a software engineer. I face problems while involving in social daily life activities and feel my self unable to learn and perform even simple tasks of life. In practical life I feel that I am unable to do things. Please guide me according to Islam. And I hesitate to involve in daily life activities as I fear people will discourage (make joke of) me.

Doubts and suspicions

Q: I have a problem. For the last one year or so my problem is that my permits went for renewal and it got rejected. Then afterwards either my file gets lost or even when they find my file, then some documents are missing. In short, one after the other problems. Recently someone told us that some staff of mine did some magic on me. Please, guide us.

Learning skills and using one's hands

Q: What is the Islamic teachings or rulings about learning and doing daily things with one's hands. Does Islam encourages one to learn and do his/her things like slaughtering an animal, learning different arts like building house or other such things. I am literate person and a Software Engineer but in common life I do not know things well. I feel great hesitation/problem while learning new things. Does Islam dislikes this kind of behaviour and how can I handle this problem in the light of Islam. I know this type of question may seem useless but as for as I know Islam guides us in every matter of life.

Fulfilling the rights of one's parents

Q: My parents are alive and I wish they both live with me and I serve them. Presently my father is living with me and my mother lives with my sister. My wife hates my mother and says give me Talaaq before you bring your mother home. There is no chance , I repeat no chance of reconciliation. Except this issue she has a good behaviour with me. Please guide me what should I do?

Parents always angry

Q: My parents are always angry with me. If I listen their order then also. They always hate me. Is there any Dua or anything else which can help me? Please help me. I am very sad. This is from few years before everything was Ok.

Not getting married to the girl one was involved with

Q: Its regarding marriage. I had a girlfriend (we didn't do the unlawful thing together) and we were set to get married the halal way with both of our families involved. Now, 5-6 months before marriage, the girl started to say lie statement to me about her family's opinion about our marriage. (WaAllah I believe her decency and she was and is not involved in any ill act with someone else). She did one big mistake, she faked below things.

1. Her family doesn't consider me (her to be husband) as a good match.

2. The boy isn't financially well settled.

3. Her family is interested in getting married to someone else who is more better in wealth and better in family.

4. Created an imaginary person with whom her family wants her to get married.

I trusted her and assumed that all she said is correct (she said all this to me in a long period, not suddenly and hence i believed her) I was so frustrated that I told her that I no longer am interested to get married to you, you can marry the person your family wants you to get married with. She accepted that its her fault that she lied. She cried a lot and said sorry, in front of everyone from her family and my family. But I was so frustrated with this drama that I could no longer believe her and I said, "Sorry, I cant marry you". All this was around 2 years back. Now with the help of Allah I decided to move on and looking forward to marry someone else (not decided to whom, but just looking) Now, the ex-girl says me that she is still waiting for me and wants to get married to me only. Please suggest me what should I do here? Will it be a zulm from my side on her if i don't get married to her? I tried to tell her that she should get married to someone else but she insists and says she loves me. I'm not getting what to do. I want to get married to someone else, but not sure if it would be correct to leave ex-girl?

Premarital relationships

Q: I have been in a relationship for almost 7 years and we have been discussing marriage. Our only problem is that my family has yet to accept him or our relationship because of his education level. By all accounts, he is a good and religious man. He has help guide me to be a better muslimah and he is kind hearted, generous and loving. How do I get my family to look past his one flaw to see all his other strengths? He might not have a high education but he's hardworking and has accomplished so much in his career despite his education level. He is the one I want to get married to. I just don't know how to get my family to accept him and see him for the wonderful man he truly is.