
Addicted to the cellphone

Q: I am a sister from Karachi, Pakistan. I want a solution for my sister. She is bipolar and she is not practising Deen the way our family is. She is involved in someone who is not of or religion. She does not control her anger and will also attempt suicide, if the guy leaves her. She also talks to many other guys and her friend circle is also very modern. She can go to any extent (which is what I fear). My grandfather was a mufti and my family is very pious. If her mobile or any source of contact is taken she attempts suicide, which shows she is addicted. We have tried every possible thing being polite to her, beating her up but nothing works. We did a 41 days wazifa of surah baqarah for her but it doesn't seem to work much. Please give me a proper solution as to how shall I bring her to the right track. Give me any wazeefa if there is.

Haraam relationship on skype

Q: I am a student and I am 22 years. Alhamdulilah I am a Muslim, but I am in a distant relationship with a Bosnian girl via Skype. I have promised her to marry her while I was putting my hand on the Quran, and since that day and I'm committing haram!(naked, kissing...) despite the distance between us. I am seduced. I know it is haram this kind of relationship and it is not like that to get married in Islam, I feel confused, I want repentance. Wallahi I regret everything. She is also Muslim. I thought her much good but also bad things and habits. I try to avoid her as much as possible this last months so that I don't commit more sins, I seek solution for all this to stop. Wallahi I do not know how to do it. I don't have the knowledge in Islam. I already asked a Sheikh but none answered me. I do not question Imams here because I want to be anonymous and I don't want to unveil my sins because when Allah doesn't unveil them, I mustn't unveil them according to hadith. Tell me what to do, I have always loved and she loves me but I'm ready to leave her to earn Jannah and satisfaction of Allah but I certainly do not want to destroy and be responsible for her bewilderment or sadness.

Greeting non-mahrams

Q: When a non-Mahram comes to my house accompanied by a Mahram, I shouldn't go and greet them right? Like two of my female cousins and my aunt. I shouldn't go to greet them, correct? Especially if one doesn't follow Islamic etiquette?

Cursing one's children

Q: I have a son who is married. He and his wife both live with us for the last 6 years since marriage. Mashallah they have three beautiful children aged 4, 3 and 1. My son is always arguing and shouting at his mum but she is forgiving. The daughter in-law when asked to discuss issues always starts shouting at both of us saying we gang up on her. I have told them any person that shouts parents and does not listen to them and is not considerate with their parents the doors of hell are open. Am I right?