
Stray thoughts

Q: I'm in a stage in my life where I am in the azaab of Allah. (I have psychosis and ocd. I am not able to perform Salaah most of the times and I have thoughts that make me fall out of Islam.) What thoughts make me go out of Islam and also I have these doubs that I am a muslim all the time because of this. Second, when you think you are not a muslim are you out of Islam?

Premarital relationship

Q: I have been in a relationship with a person since 4 years. Since last 1 year he has made my life miserable by spying on me and talking rudely to me, relating me to other men and talking rubbish. We started fighting on these topics and somehow one day due to lot of misunderstandings he abused me to the core and told many bad words to me and my family. He broke every relation and stopped talking to me. I was very frustrated at that time and was crying everyday. I incidentally met a person on social networking and he was very funny and I used to divert my mind talking to him. There was nothing serious from both of us. One day he was talking something ugly and made non veg jokes. I stopped him once twice he did not listen. I stopped talking to him. After that my ex came suddenly and apologised and said he wanted to marry me. I didn't want to talk to him but due to his regular phone calls I had to talk to him. He came to know throgh my id that I spoke to someone. How ever much I try to convince him, he always thinks I had an affair and he don't trust me anymore. We both want to break this relationship but now we cant as our families are involved. Wo hamesha mujh pe shak karte even though I didn't do anything. Is it the right decision to marry him? I am only believing that he might change after marriage and moving forward with him but I am also very scared.

Keeping a beard

Q: I am a Pakistani and currently residing in Europe since many years. I used to have beard but started trimming it slowly and now I shaved it completely. I did because my nafs was no more supporting me to keep it as I stopped doing salaat (prayers), and I used to do other major sins, zina, friendship with girls, drinking, etc with beard face. I started feeling that my beard is just by name and to show to others that I am a very neat and clean Muslim. Important thing is that when I used to do any sin with beard it also gives bad name to muslims in society. That is also correct that beard was a way in my freedom to do these sins. Now my friends asking me that you was better with beard but they don't know the reality but Allah knows my reality. Although it is true that not making salaat, shaving beard, and doing other sins is very bad and leading to Jahannum. My questions are 1) Should I start growing beard again when I am not performing salaah and doing other sins in society e.g. friendship with girls, zina, not protecting the gaze. 2) Is there any difference in the level of sin when doing it clean shaven and keeping the beard less than a fist? 3) Should I just keep a beard to make my friends happy again? 4) Should I make myself correct in terms of compulsory commandments (Salaat), stop doing sins, and then I should keep a beard or the other way around (vice versa). Please help me in this situation as I am very worried about it.

Unable to have children

Q: I hope that Hazrat is well. Hazrat, my wife and I have been trying to conceive for more than three years now. There has been one miscarriage in the middle. My wife was diagnosed with PCOS Cysts on the ovaries which make it slightly more difficult to conceive but not impossible. We have recently been referred to fertility Doctors. After a recent sperm test, the Doctors found that there are no actual sperm present in my ejaculation. Hazrat, what could I do about this? I feel extremely despondent at times as many of those who are married after us are becoming pregnant or have recently had babies. I know that this is all Allah's will but I sometimes feel sad. What can Hazrat suggest?

Doubts problem

Q: I have an elder brother who is very pious and religious person. But from few days he's caught up in doubts during ghusal. He's bathing for more than 3 hours. He's continuously washing hands for hours. My parents are worried. He's missing prayers frequently and even he's breaking his cleanliness during the nights. He's a very good boy who is not involved in any affairs. He even used to sit for i'tikaaf in Ramadhaan. I request you to give me helpful advice. And also let me know what's the reason behind this.

Removing a forum post that one in unclear about

Q: I agreed to abstain from a particular website by someone I have to listen to in good and I have abstained for a lengthy period. But now I remember that I have at-least one post that is based on what I heard is a weak hadeeth and I do not want to leave it there, for someone to potentially be influenced by it and I also want to go through my posts for anything wrong within them, is this acceptable for me, knowing what I've agreed?