
Changing one's religion for marriage purposes

Q: I want to marry a girl from a non-muslim (qadiani) family. She has accepted Islam and my parents agreed with me. The problem is that her parents who are still qadiani want me to become temporarily qadiani for marriage purpose, to save their reputation in the community. They promised that after marriage we can go back to Islam and they will have no problem with that. My question: Is it allowed to become temporarily a qadiani only for marriage (only on papers)? I tried everything to get another solution but without any success. The girl doesn't want to leave her parents in such a way and hurt them. I also consider the consequences of my decision, if I let her fall she could return to kuffar and marry a qadiani as her parents wish. If I marry her, I could bring a kafira to Islam. Please answer my question in the light of Islam.

Marital problems

Q: I (sister) have been having a lot of difficulty within my marriage. My husband does not attend to my emotional and desirable needs, but always pressures me and forces me to do so for him. He is abusive verbally, physically, emotionally, and sexually. We are currently living with my parents, as he is new to the country that we are in, and we still have not gotten our own place. He does not work to support us or pitch in for my family. As we are staying with my parents, he does not show this behaviour outside of our room. But he does force me to do things I am uncomfortable with. Because of all of this, I feel a distance growing, and I am no longer attracted to him in any way. He is not religious by any means, which frightens me as I want the best for him as well as myself. He always seems to find something about me he doesn't like, and although this may sound like I am complaining, I really am seeking for guidance for the next steps I should take. He is a relative so whenever I attempt to talk about these issues with my parents they assume that I have done something wrong to attain hatred from him. They are against separation, but I do not think I can last within a relationship where my husband does not really love me, and where I will always feel that he only married me to get into a western country. I am deprived of having children which is also something that is causing problems, he always demands children, and despite getting medical treatment I know that this is something in the hands of Allah Ta'ala, and when He wants it to happen, it will. But this concept does not cross his mind, he does not think of my health and factors as to why I'm not having children but rather he wants to make his mother happy and risk my health. I do not have any emotional support with anything I do. Whenever I set out to accomplish my studies or work on my small business, he always puts me down and gives me negative comments. It is affecting my university and success in my business, but most of all it affects my Imaan. I would really appreciate a response about the next steps I should take, as my own parents will not take my side or listen to what I have to say.

Not being inclined to a proposal

Q: I am facing a personal dillema in my life at the moment. I am a 23 year old young woman and an alima. I am looking to get married and my parents have been searching for an ideal spouse for myself. I have been approached by my first cousin brother for marriage. When my mother informed of this proposal I let her know I was not inclined or attracted to him in any manner however my mum said he is a good boy alim etc what else do you want. I gave it a slight thought and proceeded to do istikhara. I felt nothing after this period and told my mother I didn't wish to go ahead. However once again she said to me to consider it as hes a good person etc. So I decided just one more time I will see if I feel any different and did istikhara a second time and felt nothing this time around. I didn't inform my mother of what I felt and nor did she ask thinking she might take the hint as to why I never mentioned it. However now I have found out they from my siblings they are planning to come and see me. Please please advise me what to do with this situation as I feel I don't know what else to do. My heart and head have a terrible feeling to this proposal and I feel scared.

Online courses

Q: Please I want to know. I grew up learning Islam, and I have devoted myself to Deen. I am doing an online Islamic course (IOU) now, and I am learning Qur'an physically from one Sheik. But my problem here is, I find it difficult to continue. I always find this weakness in my heart and it just repeating itself anytime I want to study. I am so confused please. I really want to learn but something just makes me become uninterested. Please advice what I should do.

Learning online

Q: I am sometimes so engrossed in learning about Islam that I reach to certain sites which are not authentic and as I am human I have many doubts. I love Allah and Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and I have faith but at times I have doubts and I feel scared as our prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) warned us not to ask too many questions as previous nation have done. What should I do in such a situation? I want to learn fiqh and Shariah. Can a woman learn it or if I love learning Islam, what should I learn and concentrate at?

Making istikhara for deciding between jobs

Q: I used to work in the banking industry for 22 years. I left last year to join a travel business and it didn’t work out so I left. I have been offered positions to get back into banking again and yesterday was offered a position to work for a wholesale company which is in clothing. I have made a decision to take the job at the wholesale company and not go back to banking even though the salary if I go back into banking is two times more. Is it necessary to read my istikarah to make a decision between banking and wholesale company?

Marital problems

Q: I have emailed you before regarding my marital life; in-laws and such. I have recently been having more problems with my sister in laws. They laugh and slander what I say. Backbite, make a mockery of my kids and myself behind our backs. Act fake with me to keep me happy. I have told my husband about this but he's not interested. He is not bothered to speak to his sisters it even explain to his mum what's been going on. I live 3/4 hours away from my parents and family. I have no one here to help me. What can I do? I feel suffocated, I don't like my children seeing me upset especially as they are still so young and ask me why I'm crying. I miss my parents and family a lot but If I tell them about my problems they will feel hurt and sad. Please make dua for us that everything gets easy. As I'm in a mix cultured marriage I find it very difficult. So difficult because of the way the family is, how I do all I can for each member of my husbands family but my sister in laws mother in law find it a joke. I sometimes feel my marriage only works because of my two kids. Other wise i would have gone back to my parents house 4 years ago. How do I make my husband understand how I feel? I made a sacrifice by marrying him and he doesn't want to know or care the problems I am facing. How I feel hurt but I can't show how I feel to him. He's always busy on his phone texting his friends. That seems to matter more than family..even his parents and his own family he is not bothered about. I'm living a life I find so hard as I come from a joint family background.

Breaking off an engagement

Q: I am a Muslim man engaged with a Muslim girl. My question is "is it permissible in Islam to break the engagement if I want to break the engagement? or is it a sin to break the engagement? Please answer me with the help Quran and hadith and also please let me know about the ayat no 236 of Surah Baqra.