
Marital problems

Q: My husband and I have been married for 4 years alhamdulilah and we have a beautiful daughter. He came from a foreign country right before we got married. Now we have been living with my family since marriage. We fight over the smallest things and I always some how get stuck fighting between my family and him. Our mothers have prior problems (even though we have an arranged marriage) and it causes major issues between us. We both are very stubborn but I seem to be the only one giving in all the time and I always tell him it's shaytaan causing problems but he ignores it and says I am the reason for the fight. At this point I'm really fed up with always fighting and all I do is cry. One of the major reasons we fight is because we don't have our own place and he doesn't want to move out of my parents home. Because of us living here, my brother had to move to his wife parents house because his wife says living in the same house as my husband would make her have to stay in purdah all the time, because of this my brother fights with me because he hates living there but he can't afford living anywhere else. My husband tells me to ignore him, because his wife forces him to fight with us. Another reason is because both of us work and I am paying our bills and other expenses, even paying for our child, while he sends money to his family. If he's the father, isn't it his responsibility? Sometimes when we can't afford something we have to use a credit card, which now started building interest. He always tells me how haraam interest is but he never does anything about it. All he says is i should stop wasting my money, because there is hisaab for every penny. I find this extremely unfair because I don't want to work but I have to and I can't even complete college because of that. And now that I am working, he says I should pay off the credit card bill since I am earning, even though he took part in making that bill. If I bring up the matter of "woman shouldn't work" he says I am right and that I should make my father pay for my things (while he is sending money to his brothers and sisters). If I give money to my mom for babysitting my daughter, he asks why should you pay her, isn't she the grandmother and then he compares it to his own mother watching her grandchildren just because they are her own. If i tell him that we need to settle down before helping others, he says I am heartless and it is a form of charity. I can't argue with him or back up my concerns enough because I don't know how to respond to everything (I'm kind of slow at responses). Allah has the best solutions but something makes me think he is falling back from his imaan. Is their any hadith or can you give a response about how the husband is responsible for his wife and kids before his brother and sisters? I know his father is retired and doesn't have a reliable source of income to support the family but he has another brother who should also take part in helping with his father, but the brother also seems to be living off of us. How can I convince my husband to worry about his wife and kid and get us settled down because if we stay at this pace, we won't ever be able to get our own home or pay off our credit cards.

Premarital relationship

Q: I am in a relationship with a girl who is my relative since the past 7 months and I really love her a lot and have strong plans of getting married to her. We got physical a few times as in kissing and touching but never in intercourse. I even talked to my parents about this but my father doesn't agree due to relationships going wrong between her families. My question is how do I convince my parents on this and will I be considered as disobedient if I go against them and is there any way I can repent for my sins. I am really confused and I want to get married to her in accordance to Islam and can't think of any alternative.

Mentioning one's past to one's spouse

Q: I am doing the aalimah course and have been told in mishkat lesson by the ustadh that when one gets married and between the husband and wife in their past they have been invovled in zina etc that if the husband was in this situation he should mention it to his wife and if this question of zina was asked from the wife to the husband he is allowed that he lies to her but what is the wife supposed to do when the husband has told her of his past of zina?

Guiding one's family

Q: How should a person who belongs to a modern family and has been guided by Allah Ta'ala deal with his family? If the family does not observe pardah, listen to music, watch movies etc. How can this person interact with them so their feelings are not hurt and he is away from haram? Should he openly state that since a certain action is haram he will not allow it or get involved in it or should let this happen while trying to explain them the dangers until eventually they stop themselves?


Q: When I feel awkward or low continuously for two to three days then the next I fast and I feel relaxed. I want to know if there is anything wrong in doing so?

Not delaying in making nikaah

Q: My mother liked a girl for me for marriage and did istikhara but it was negative. But before doing istikhara they exchanged pictures. So now I like the girl and the girl also likes me and wants to marry me. Same are the feelings here. So what should we do? We are in a critical situation. Please help us. It's the matter of our whole life. We want to marry and our heart says we will Insha Allah stay happy forever.

NOTE: My mom already visited 40 to 50 girls for me but in each and every case something wrong happens (girl is not cute or our rental house issue or anything strange) but my mother truly likes that girl and the girl's family also likes me. So now please read everything carefully and help me. I am so tensed.

Marital problems

Q: I just wanted to know if it is right for my wife's mother to come fetch my wife against my will when we have an arguement then her mom tells her we must leave each other?

Treating one's wives with respect and consideration

Q: My parents are married alhamdulillah and my dad did a second marriage. It's been 2 years. He wants to keep both of his wives together in one home but my mother feels hurt seeing the other woman again and again. What is the rule for these circumstances in Islam? My father says my mum hurts him by asking to stay separately, he says he won't forgive her so in akhirat will there be any harm to my mum? What is her duty and her rights if she doesn't want to stay together with another woman?

Marital problems

Q: I have been married for 13 years and have five kids. When we have an argument or misunderstanding, my husband upon getting cross would say swear me and call me harsh ugly names and when I say i'm going to leave him then he says where am I going to stay? Then I would say he must move so that kids lives would not be disrupted. (We stay in an out building by his parents. Both of us are responsible for the building of this house) then he tells me iI must move because this is his house. Then he would swear me out again and again. When I said I would take the kids with me as I am always here for my kids. Then he threatens me by saying he would kill me. A week later he plays amnesia and says he is so wrong. But after a few days then he doesn't think he is wrong anymore. I have been for a fasakh but because the Maulanas knows him, they don't want to phone him. This is recurring situations and I always get sworn at. I am so tired of this behaviour. Now when I say I am tired of this and I want to leave then he wants to ban me from teaching (Quraan) or having a phone or even driving. Please help me as I am tired of his lies. Everytime he wants to make up he says I have no grounds for fasakh. Please help. Also I would like to add that teaching hifth is my passion and I would not like to leave it. Since I have been teaching, my daughter who is in my class is finishing in a weeks time Inshallah.