
Marital problems

Q: A woman is married for 10 years. She claims to have fallen out of love with her husband. They have one child – who is still an infant. The husband feels that they should stay together, especially in the interests of the child. What recourse does the woman have in attaining a divorce? What should the role of the parents be? (on both sides).

Looking at the brighter side of life

Q: My question is how do I keep patient with my husband who's always ill. He is Young in age yet he's unable to keep me happy in so many ways. We have children together but he does not show me any affection love or support. His family do not support me with anything either, neither do my family support me. I feel very alone and depressed, most days I do not want to continue living with him, what do I do?

Being shy and bashful

Q: I am an 18 year old boy. I m 5ft 7inch tall. I got a strong muscular body and I am a very active boy. The problem starts when I am in school. I feel so shy that I can't even participate in different activities. Can't give my opinion in debates. Can't ask the miss a question if the class is quiet. Can't play sports because I think what others may say about me and I am a very timid boy in school. My friends are boys and I can't even mix up with them too. Socially my worth is nothing. Sometimes I look at people who are not good like me (I am not being proud but I am just saying)  even they are confident and make the class lively. Please help me out with this. Sometimes I feel so sad and depressed that I don't have many friends because of shyness and can't do what I want to do. Shyness has cost me a lot. Please send me a dua or something which will make me confident and will boost my self esteem. I don't like talking to girls neither I want nor I will but I can't even ask them about homework or just anything about studies or anything related to studies. I feel like my face is ugly so people don't want to talk to me and my friend often tells me that I got a handsome face. Its not about the face but when no one talks to me I feel like isolated and weird. Please help me.

Losing one's belongings

Q: I have been constantly losing my belongings. I lost my diamond wedding ring, a couple of precious stones off my jewellery and have lost two cell phones now. I am wondering if there is some sort of dua that I can recite to help keep my belongings safe and protect me from any sort of nazar and black magic that may be associated with this.

Marital problems

Q: My husband keeps getting upset and stops talking to me for 3/4 days if I don't sleep with him in bed when I am in my priod. It's been happening for 15 years. I have explained to him so many times. One month if he improves then the next month he is worse. Please help out with any dua or prayer I can do to stop and understand him. If I don't let him have what he wants then he will get angry and stop talking to me from morning. It takes him at list few days or until I get better.

Unable to budget

Q: My husband has a really big problem, he cannot budget, he spends without thinking. It's not the first time he is sitting with a very huge debt, and this is becoming a big problem for me and my kids. He borrows money from people to pay off debts, this is not right, please advise?

Providing a separate kitchen and dwelling for the wife

Q: What are the rights of mother and wife? I have been married for 6 years with two kids and my wife has problems with my mothers hold on the kitchen. After every 6 months she has an hunger strike to get her demands met. This time I am getting her a separate accommodation because of quarrel between sister and mother. Despite having a big house where I can get her separated on the upper portion she is not willing to live. I have to spend all my earnings for separate accommodation. I have lived 6 years with her cursing my family and me. She does not respect me in front of my family and her family at times. The only reason I am bearing all this because Allah Ta'ala dislikes divorce and I have two daughters aged 4 and 2 years and what I do today will reflect on their life? I may not be a good husband by not listening to her concerns but I didn't like one thing that she never prayed or offered salat. I do not have mental peace and because I do not have a nature to be aggressive my marriage is in ruins because of my family and wife. Need a sincere advise and dua whereby we all can live in harmony.