
Being interested in a boy

Q: I am a 20 year old girl who is interested in this one boy and I really want to be with him but we can't because we have not made nikaah. His parents want us to make nikaah so it is halaal and we won't be commiting sin, but my parents don't want us to make nikkah as they think I am too young. My question is, am I allowed to make nikaah without my parents knowledge, rather than commit a sin and be in a haraam relationship? Please advise me on what I should do as my parents do not let me make my own decisions and I feel Islamically that I should make nikaah.

Stepmother insisting on spending time in seclusion with the stepson

Q: Is it permissible for a man to be in seclusion with his step mother (his father, the stepmother's husband) has passed away? Both are young. The stepmother insists on spending time in seclusion with the stepson. She does not want any third person to be with her when she is with her stepson. The wife of the stepson feels insecure about this, and is a cause of her unhappiness. Please advise whether it is permissible for the step son to be alone with his stepmother, and if it is permissible then what naseehat should be given to the newly married wife?

Bussiness problems

Q: I am 40 years, my second brother is 38 years, my 3rd brother 35 years, my father 65 Years old. Our father is the owner of the business but my mother is still controlling the shop. She sits on the cashier and controlling the business. Our father has to ask her for money and she always questions about what my father is going to do with the money. Sometimes she refused to give money if she comes to knows that our father is spending on us. The business is very big but we are still struggling for money etc. In other words we cannot see barkat in that family business. The company has two trucks and one car. But my brothers and I have no car. We have only motobike due to short wages. What shall we advise our father?

Not feeling attracted to women

Q: My son is 23 years old and a hafez ul quran. We have been talking to him about getting married and after many months he has now confided to his mother that he does  not feel attracted to women but perhaps more to a man. He assures her that he has not done anything wrong and he has been looking for Duas to pray to help him overcome this illness. Can you help please urgently?