
Women living on their own

Q: I seek advise on a matter that currently affects my living conditions. I currently reside in a 3 bedroom dwelling, a mum and brother. My brother intends making nikah to a women who has two teenage boys. I am currently unmarried and fear that the living conditions with the non mahrum boys being in the same dwelling as myself, poses a degree of uneasiness to myself. I am currently fully in hijaab. Please advise if I have a right Islamically to request for a separate dwelling for myself in order to protect my modesty? Your kind feedback will highly be appreciated.

Getting a divorce from a husband who is on drugs

Q: I have been married with nikah for 12 years. In the past 2 years my husband has joined bad friends and has lost his shop, car and all his money to casino and drugs. Nothing I do or say to him makes him change and leave the drugs and casino. From November he even stopped paying rent and
giving money for the house. I had to give notice and move out to a smaller place that I could afford. He is not even worried that I have left or where I am. I have given him enough time to change and come on the right path but he insists on gambling and drugs. I left him last month and have not seen or heard from him. I have sent him a message to give me talaaq but he does not reply. How can I go about getting the talaaq?

Second marriage

Q: I have a question about second marriage? I wanted to marry second wife but my first wife refused and told me to divorce her first. I want to know what's the ruling on that from Allah Ta'ala.

Refusing to accept gifts on occasions

Q: A person is living in a community where the people exchange gifts as a custom (rasm wo riwaj) for example when visits newborn baby gold is given to baby,at the time of marriage, money or gold is given to brides parents, at the time of opening of newly constructed house gifts and money are given by all people, at the time when a girl gets her first menses gold is given to her, at the time of khatna money is given to the boy and so on. These all hadyas are like forced hadyas because the person is giving gifts to maintain his social status not for the sake of allah because when he refuses to give or take gifts in any occasion mentioned above he is viewed low by that community. And also these customs have created big problems for many people who has very low monthly income but these people also finds money from any were to keep his social image. Now this person wants to demolish all rasm wo riwaj and exchange gifts in the way of sunnah at any time he wishes and not in particular occasion.for this to be possible he refuses all the gifts given by the people when all the above mentioned occasions occur in his family as a step to demolish the custom and and seek excuse that; "if you are very much willing to give the gift please give it to us at any time not in this occasion". Will he be sinning when he refuses the gifts? Is this a good decision taken by him in you ulama's view?

Spiritual arts and exercises

Q: I have converted into Islam last Ramadhaan and I came into the fold of Islam possessesed by a jinn. I am recovering from the after effects of it and I have a hard time doing many things. Some symptoms are moving uncontrollably, seeing hallucinations, seeing images and movies in my
mind, uncontrollable thoughts, and acting as if I am still possesed by a jinn. I want to become normal/healthy again but I have 2 questions regarding

  1. I used to study and practice different healing modalities in the broad spectrum of holistic medicine and Chinese medicine. I used to study/practice (not professionally) Chinese medicine, toaist energy arts, and shaminism. I'm clear on the fact shamanism is haraam but on the subject of toaist energy arts I'm not sure. I know how to do something called dragon and tiger qigong which is classified as a  medicial qigong set, but I also know that budhist high priests used to practice it. It is a means of being healthy but I don't want to do it if it is harram. A short summary of it, is that you move and and circulate energy though out your body with your mind, body, and with a specific breathing practice. It's manipulating the same human energetic system being used in acupuncture but in deeper levels and with a different medium. Are practices like this, and taichi harram?
  2. What halaal means can I do to become normal and healthy again?


Q: I have been having a problem for very long now, like a year. Its the  problem of waswasa. I get these thoughts of kufr and I can't stop it. I know we are supposed to ignore it but the shaytaan overtakes me. I know there is no god but Allah and this deen truly is the haq but shaytaan gives me waswasa.I have had enough now. I am always depressed. Is there any way to stop this?

Accusing somone of putting sihr and jadu on oneself

Q: I recently found out my dad did some sort of magic so that I would marry his choice. I since have been divorced. I have a child too. I found my
dad did this as I asked an aalim, nothing is going right for me, studies, health, rishta etc. The aalim told me to hold a blank sheet of paper whilst he
recited quran, and on the sheet of paper came the images of those who did magic on me and ruined my life, my uncle, my dad, my ex husband, my dads aunty. I need someting to read to cure this bundish.

Entertaining thoughts of a strange man

Q: I have a question concerning marriage. I'm a 21 year old female and I've recently met someone at a friends wedding. My parents don't want me to get married yet as I'm studying towards a degree, so I haven't told them about my interest, the man i've met also doesn't know about my interest. I refuse to get into a relationship with him as I'm aware its haraam. I am however extremely impressed with his character and feel that he would make a great spouse. My question is, Is it possible to make dua to marry this specific person? And if so what should i read?

Refraining from joining people who have unpleasant ways and behaviours

Q: I have a bit of a dilemma. I am a very sensitive and emotional person and I find it very hard to make friends. The friends I have are very loud spoken and speak to me with no respect and are rude to me, but i don't tell anyone because I don't want people thinking bad about them. But recently I feel so hurt with the way that they treat me I think bad thoughts, for example I wish bad upon them. I don't know how to stop thinking like that and I really want to stop! Example today they all ganged up on me because I told my mother that boys stay over at their house but I was not spreading rumors, I was just telling my mother because I was at their house at the time and they blame me for their parents stressing as we are studying away from home so basically I was labled as the bad one. Basically I just want to know how to react or handle their behavior and should I approach them and tell them how I feel? But they get very angry and it has to be their way so I really don't know what to do! I am also studying away from home and I do not like it and I am very unhappy. Please help me!