
Marital problems

Q: My husband is such a person who gets brain washed a lot. He was such a person that he used to listen to me but once people have started to say things such as you under your wife's control and mentioned another persons name and say you like him or becoming like him also people were jelous our marriage and may have casted an evil eye He has done things which are unreasonable such as fool around with Allah's deen and mention talaq but not give it. Situations are such that we do not live together and I wish for khula but before taking a big decision I was wondering if there is any wazifa amal which I could do which could make him ignore all the brainwashing and give priority to his wife and child and if black magic or nazar is done what do I do?

Marital problems

Q: In 1st March, I gave permission to abort the feotus of 10weeks old in my womb after my parents told me that, if I give birth to baby :if its a boy,he will be like his father and if its a daughter,my husband will rape her. They told me that I wont be able to keep them in my custody after baby becomes 5 year old.He will file suit asking the custody of baby and ruin the baby and so on. And they told me that nobody including my parents will support me if I give birth to baby if I divorsed.If I decide to live with him for avoiding abortion,then also my parents wont support me even if they came to know that Iam stuggling due to harrassment from him. Background for doing such crime : After nikkah(2015) ,he told me that he has some lady friends,they are so close that they say ''i love you''each other. And he also told that 1of his lady friends,they are so close that she told him to buy garments for her private parts telling him the size. I told him to break this friendship because no lady can reveal those to a guy.He told me that its she who contacts him through phonecall and social medias. So I asked her number and sent a message-we are married now. I dont like this friendship,so stop contacts.She replied swearing me. When I sent screenshot of this chat to my husband,he seemed to be very cool and told me that she is a good girl,she might not be in a good mood and so on. Then I told him that either stop relation with me or stop contacts with her forever.He promised that he wont contact her in his lifetime. But its a fake promise.After 8months of wedding,I went to UAE to live with him. Then I came to realise that the main job when he returned to room from workplace is to see,like and share her FB posts. He needed me only in bed. When I asked him that why you gave fake promise and continuing contacts with that lady,he acted like he died and few minutes later,he told me that he got heart attack and theirs was pure friendship and will maintain so until his death.I didnt doubt their friendship till I came to know from his old FB posts that they were lovers. I asked his close friend,he is my husband's best friend from childhood.He revealed the real character of my husband when I told him about his heart attack.He told me that 2ladies out of 3 were only for satisfying his physical desires(with 1,he married her in temple for convincing her that he is her husband and by that way,he used her for his vulgar desires.2nd lady,he used her for some years and he gave promise to bring her from her home before her wedding date with another guy.But he escaped by saying that he was bed ridden with severe fever just few days before her wedding. Now also she contacts him believing that its the fever which led to broke that divine love. But he madly loved that 3rd christian lady,her family didnt agree for their marriage when she told about him when her family comes with another proposal.They were like couples for 5years,only difference was its not legal.After that,she compelled him to marry someone and 2months later,our nikkah was solemnised.But now also my husband is telling me that they are good friends and I am unnecessarily doubting him. His family know his affairs with ladies,especially with that lady.At the time of proposal,my family and relatives heared about this relationship and asked him and his mother(his father passed away 2months before that),they told that its just friendship and nothing else.My father contacted her over phone and asked her,she told that they're just friends and she visited him in hospital when he was hospitalised in 2014 due to bike accident.Thats why rumours are spreading.She also told that her marriage is fixed.So no need to doubt about them. But its a lie.She was there in hospital with him day and night for 2days(Accident was happened when he eagerly went to see her,after cameback to India from abroad for leave). Nobody was there except both of them.she arrived hospital by travelling long distance to stay with him. He revealed this story 2weeks ago inorder to convince me that even in that favourable situation to commit zina,they were pure friends.And told me that they know how to control their desires and the only person he through he wanted,wants and wish to satisfy his desires, is with wife.I dont know how he can cheat me now also. He also told me that His mother went home because that lady came to take care of him for 2days. Now also he thinks that I dont know anything about his drama.He thinks that I only doubting him ''because of her posts that he liked and shared on facebook''.He doesnt know that his friend told me about my husband's cheating. His friend also told me this : My husband,before nikkah,promised his friend that he will stop all contacts with those ladies and will be a good and responsible husband. He also told his friend that he told me about his past life and I told him that I have no problem with that. All was a lie. That friend told me that his heart attack was a drama,he acted so in presence of that friend, before few days of wedding when there was a family problem. That friend told me to escape from my husband and go back to India. I know my father will consider me as a burden if I became divorcee.I was continuing isthiqara.I prayed for a miracle to happen so that he will change his bad character and will be a good muslim.But things are getting worse day by day.I shared whats happening there to a elder cousin brother whom can I rely.He told me to return to India and try to avoid from being pregnant by saying any excuses. But it was not possible to ignore my husband in bed because he spends most of the time in a day for that even when he know that I couldnt even go to urinary because of pain due to his repeating enjoyments. By the time, I became pregnant.Some of my family members came to knew about it.After knowing that I am pregnant,I didnt want to came India because i was afraid. But at the same time,husband started to behave in a rude manner and started to hurt me mentally. He told me that he misses his country and so wants to start farm business in his place and I need to help him in taking care of those animals and birds so that he can go so many places for smooth running of business.I told this to hus friend and my cousin.Both told me that its for continuing those haram relationships by fooling me. I continued isthiqara. I cameback to India in january 30 after taking decision that Insha Allah,i will take care of my baby as a mother and father and will try to make my baby a good muslim. But When i cameback,they are compelling me to abort the child. I denied and it continued for a month. {{I had agreed for marriage with this man was to escape from my father's torturing.I agreed for this marriage (after burying my wish of marrying a religious person who will allow me to wear niqab, teach me Quran and who will be a guide to my children.)(when i told about this wish,parents laughed at me and it was a period of mental harrassment and torturing.I cant reveal all those,may Allah forgive them and may Allah not give those situations to any daughters in the world. Only thing I would say,I dont want to be a prostitute that any strange guy in this world can tell,by calling over my father's phone ,all his sexual desires that he wants to do with me in very vulgar manner,when i will be with him and my father enjoying it by putting it in loudspeaker and after cutting call,he asks me like an innocent baby that ''was that guy talking to you about sex?.''. I knew from my mother that another guy called father and he also want to talk to me.So i was really afraid.After that,this person (my husband)called my father to propose me .I said yes because i dont want to be a joker,burden and a prostitute over phone.}}. I know that I cant blame anyone except me for this major sin of aborting because I have earned Allah's wrath by aborting the Amaanah which Allah granted to me. It was my duty to fulfill that obligation even when the entire world was against me. I am now thinking that I am worst than all the creatures in this world including those ladies and my husband because I earned Allah's wrath by standing against the Almighty.If it was Allah's decree that my husband abuse baby,who am I to stand against Allah's decree and if the baby was as a mercy to me from my Lord(i had believed so and now also believing so),i rejected all blessings and earned curse of Allah and beloved ones of Allah by doing this crime.My family told me to do so by saying that 1st you save your dunya and then Akhirah. After doing this,make thouba.Allah will accept. But I wasnt convinced of that.I couldnt say these fake excuses to myself knowing that I have to suffer for this,in dunya and hereafter((My father told my husband that we lost baby because i fell down in bathroom and bleeding started.)) Even after reading the words of Allah in Qur'an, I committed such a sin. I dont know how I agreed to that after 1month of refusing to abort by convincing my parents about Allah's prohibition and qabar.I also told them that nobody will be in qabar to support me and it will be burning with fire. Mother told that Allah will forgive if I obey parents.But even after knowing that its a lie and they are afraid that me and baby will be a burden for them,i told them that Allah will take my soul with my baby before giving birth if my husband will do such cruel things because Allah wont allow me to struggle in this trial.They told me that the things will happen the same way as they told,my husband will be so cruel to me and my baby. My father also added that why everything goes against you and why Allah is not accepting your duas even though you are doing salah,reading Quran and making dua in sujood. Then I was afraid whether things will be so as whenever they curse me,everything happens in my life will be as per their cursing words. I know my imaan is very weak,otherwise I couldnt have commit such crime. I dont know what to do.I was feared to live with my husband and i was struggling thinking that he was and is cheating me.But after abortion,I believe that my husband's cheating is nothing even if he continues this for long period,and those ladies who even after their marriage ,wish to commit zina with him are more good than me. I know my husband wont change his character if no miracle happens.Its difficult to change him through advise of scholars or counselling.He has no worry about death and akhirah. I am just feeling that I am worthless of wishing anything and worse than saithan itself because saithan once disobeyed to do prostration,but I agreed to cut into pieces an innocent feotus which was part of my own body,Allah had bestowed His mercy on me by giving me an opportunity to give birth to Allah's creature by growing it in my womb.Not everyone gets that blessing even after years of marriage.I dont know whether I will be able to give birth to children who become '''closest to Allah and Rasoolullah and among them who are saved from the torments of this dunya''', as I wished my babies would be so,even if their parents were not good enough. Pls give me an advise Sheikh and pls include me in Your duas.Pls ask forgiveness for me and to die as a mu'min and to make me among those who prostrate to Allah on Judgement day.

Financial problems

Q: Me and my family have lived a very happy life with no problems Alhumdulilah. We had everything a person could wish for. However, ever since we moved our country, the problems begin. My father lost all his money in business and robbery. We've been having immigration problems and the problems are continuing to grow and not resolved. My parents pray 5 times and receite Quran however, Shaitan gets to me and I avoid praying and perform acts that I shouldn't. I'm very ashamed and I'm trying hard to change and repent. We are always very grateful and we are trying to have sabr but, with one problem after another, life is getting extremely stressful. What can be the cause? Is this happening because of me? Are we victims of evil eye? What has gone wrong? How can we seek help from Allah and repent? 

Marital problems

Q: My husband has abandoned me in sleeping with him. He doesn't eat what I cook for him. Talks without looking at me. He is still in a state where he hasn't decided to separate with me or live with me and our kids. What time is this allowed? He doesn't give me a reason for doing this. I am in depression wanting him to be normal. He doesn't give me a time frame for when he will decide. I read online that men can decide not to sleep with wife if she is arrogant. It should not exceed upto one month. Otherwise what should I do if it does.

Stray thoughts and feelings

Q: I have a question regarding my friend. I don't know if it's my wahem, or it really does happen with me. Whenever I imagine my self in any situation or I think that I probably have some disease, my friend gets diagnosed with the same disease after some time and he also gets into the situation, I imagine my self in. I don't what should I do. I can not stop thinking about myself, but i'm also worried about him. Please help me.

Choosing a spouse

Q: I was reciting many duas for getting married and finding a good spouse (like rabbi inni lima anzalta ilaiyya min khairin fakeer and innama ashku bassi wa huzni illallah) and I got a proposal a bit strangely. The mother of the boy saw me in the market and started asking my mother questions. Then they came to our house. They seem like very nice people. The problem is that Im still confused, the boy doesnt seem very relegious and he did his graduation from London so he is friends with all kind of people. We asked our imam of the masjid and he said that this proposal is good for me. I have performed istikhara for 7 days and didnt see any dream so mufti sahab asked me to offer 2 rakaht nafal prayer in which I would recite surah kosar 41 times in the first rakat and recite surah nasr 41 times in the 2nd rakaht. I read this nafal for almost 7 days and saw different dreams. One wasnt good and others were good but according to mufti sahab the bad one could be the evil dream but im extremely confused and worried. Please help me out as this decision is the biggest decision of my life and I dont want to regret later on.

Marital issues

Q: I have been married for four months. My husband earns a decent salalry and is loving. However the problem arises when my husband leaves me with my in laws and then goes to his office. During the day I'm expected to serve my in laws, which obviously they dont acknowledge. On his return from the office, which is around late 11'o clock, he takes me back to his rented apartment and there he helps me with the daily chores. Needless to mention we do discuss my day which ends up in an argument. On his week off, my husband is supposed to stay with my in laws and he cannot sit or talk to me because that sounds indisciplined to my father in law. If he spends time with me on weekends, I have to face cold vibes from my in laws. I spoke to my husband that its better for our relationship that I stay at our rented apartmnent. Still everyday he drops me off at my in laws. Besides this I asked my mother in law to pay us a little more than 250 rupees daily a month so that we can save and buy our own apartment. She created a fuss that I want all of my husbands salary and I'm being selfish. My husbands salary goes entirely to his parents and he is given 250 rupees daily by his parents. When I tried to clear the misunderstanding that I only asked for dividing his income in two equal parts, they said that I was selfish and a home eater. Also my husband has to seek permision from my father in law whether he can take me out or not. All that makes me feel hatred towards my husband as he cant stand an speak up for me. I want to know if I am wrong if I seek my husbands time and half his earnings? Am I wrong in saying that I dont want my father in law to decide for us? Should I be patient or ask them for my rights?

Bad luck

Q: I have a problem if you could give me advice and letting me know what is the problem. Most people called me bad luck (منحوس) and some how I realized that I really am because nothing is working out with me. Now when I am really thinking about it, somehow it is true. If I start working for any friend, their work or business goes down and if I want to start investing money, that business gets problems. I am more than eligible and want to work till the last moment but at the end it doesnt happen. So many times I have found someone and wanted to go further and get married but somehow I do istekhara and it didnt work out. My dad holds a degree from Madina university KSA but when I was sbout 13 years old my dad married another woman. My dad was a business man and later I realized that my father took money from everyone and he told them that you are my partner in my business. He showed them that the business is good but it wasn't. Many family people trusted him and gave him money and he didnt return the money. No one knows where the money goes. I told you this short story because everyone and their family has been in worst situation. Is it because of their curse that I am not moving forward? Is it because of their bad-dua that I cant be something in life? I really am confused and sometimes it makes me cry that I didn't do anything wrong with any people then why I am a bad luck person for people? For a long time I wasnt talking to my dad and told him that you are a wrong person, even he wasn't satisfied with me and was really upset that I dont visit him. I am not talking with him often but if he has some work then he would call and I would go but now I am little bit ok. We do talk sometimes and he is always telling me to forgive him and do dua for me. Please give me an advice and show me the way so everything works out.

Marital problems

Q: Im a 40 year old male, married to the same woman now twice, 3 kids. Nothing has changed since our first marriage and I dont seem like anything will. My wife is unaffectionate, loving, no motherly time, no husband time, only about her business and her issues in her life. Im tired, everyday I wonder should I leave, if I do I will die without my kids. I cannot even think of waking up and not having them there. Life must have a solution, speaking to her does not change anything. Every day that goes by Im slowly dieing inside. What do I do?