
Ill-treatment from in-laws

Q: I got married on 5 feb 2017. From that day my mother and father in law are disrespecting and showing anger to me. I am a working woman. After office I do home chores and when they are sick I take care of them. But still they are not happy and always having small complaints.

On the other hand, my husband loves me alot. He makes me understand but doesnt tell his parents to cool down. We are happy together but I get angry on him sometimes. Kindly guide me as I'm sad and no peace in mind and heart.

Marital problems

Q: Recently I have performed my second marriage. I am already married before and I have two children with my first wife. Till yet I did not live with my second wife because we have performed only nikaah. But since my first wife came to know about my second marriage, she is keep asking me divorce and saying that she will take both children with her if I will not divorce my second wife, while my second wife always wants to live in peace and harmony with my first wife and gives her respect as elder sister (both wives never met each other yet). Can you please help me in this regard and advise me what should I do in this situation because I want to live with both wives and want to do justice between them and specially my second wife has converted herself as Ahle Hadith as I am also the same, her parents were hanafis, I really appreciate your kind advise or fatwa.

How should one encourage someone to perform salaah?

Q: My question is for my dear brother. I would really appreciate if you could help me in this. My brother does not like to offer prayers at all. He has missed lots of jummah salaahs as well. Most of the time intentionally and few times because of some work... He is married Alhamdulillah. I've tried and put much effort to drag his attention towards deen or to atleast pray the 5 times prayer. I am really concerned about him. We lost our father when we were toddlers, so there is no one to guide him properly nor is he willing to go to the masjid. He helps people who are in need but when it comes to namaz (prayer) he has got loads of excuses to escape... Please pour in some suggestions or duas that can help us in putting his mind into namaz and fear of Allah.

Taking a second wife

Q: I want to do second marriage... I like one lady and I asked my wifes permission many times but failed... She behaves abnormally and said that she will leave home with the kids and will never contact me etc. I want to get married since i like this lady and want to contact her in halaal way but in these conditions, I am so depressed. I never want to lose my first wife and on the other hand, I also dont want to lose my love. Sometimes I think about secret nikah and not declare it but I dont know what to do.

Husband refusing to have a child

Q: I am 33 years old and have been married for 11 years, no children. My husband refuses to start a family with me saying, I can't force him to have a baby. Im afraid I'm getting too old. The longer we wait and the older I get, the more I resent him. He is distant and selfish, and lacks compassion and understanding. We have intercourse once every few months and he insists on using protection.

Marital issues

Q: I need some advice please, I'm Catholic and my husband is a Muslim. We have kids and I'm pregnant again (5months) and I work full time. He is not working but looking for something part time as I'm the bread winner due to my education. He keeps taunting me about how ugly and fat I am and how he wants a younger 2nd wife who is good looking and sorry to say better at sex as I'm a sack of potatoes. He will hold up a picture of a random girl and compare to me and say that's what his future wife will look like. It's so cruel I can't cope anymore.

Husband not fulfilling the rights of his wife by living in another city

Q: I have a few questions regarding my married life

1. If a wife cant do anything without the permission of her husband then whats the difference between a slave and a wife. If a wife cant have permission to study for a job or she is begging her husband to give her permission to see her father or relatives, however her husband is not living with his wife. He is working in another city and his wife is living with her in-laws. 

2. My husband is working in another city. He comes home once a month. I'm living with my in laws; my father in law, mother in-law, my two single brother in laws and two single sister in laws. Its been three years since my husband is working like this. We have two kids. Whenever I ask my husband to come stay with us forever, he says that he cant because this is his job and he cannot find another job there. He fights with me that I musnt tell him every time to leave his job coz if his rizq is there then till the time Allah has written his rizq there he can't come. Im very sad and cant live without my husband anymore. If I ask my husband to come and live with us is it permissible for me? I married to him to live like a family with him not alone.

Having expectations in people

Q: I'm a student from Pakistan and alhamdolelah I am a Muslim. My question is that I have taken a loan from a friend for studies and it is a huge amount for me being student and now my friend is using me and treating me like his slave. In the beginning he promised me that he will help me with my studies, that's why I took the loan from him but now he wants his money back and threatens me that he will defame me and disrespect me. I don't have much money to pay him back. Can I call is a test from Allah for me?

Handling negativity from one's parents

Q: I always faced the issue of how to handle the negativity from parents. I always tend to believe that as a child, good qualities were always acquired from other relatives or good personalities Allah gave in my life but not from my parents. I'm in struggle between the fact that they are my Wali but have had hard time putting up with their character and practices! I'm answerable to Allah if I don't have a right attitude towards parents. But I am not able to put up with their negativity. What to do?