
Mother in law ill-treating daughter in law

Q: My mother in law ill treats me through her tongue. Her words are harsh and hurting. My husband is very supportive and a pious man. He takes care of my every need. I am three months pregnant. I feel stressed out all the time because of my mother in law hurtful words. I stay silent when she insults me. But then I suffer from anxiety and constant headaches. Please guide me how to overcome this problem.

False accusations

Q: I would like to know my husband's brother has accused me of interfering in is life about 12 years ago. He accused me of all sorts of unbelievable things then also accused my husband saying he is aware of what I do. We have asked him to bring the proof of his accusations but till today he can't. We haven't spoken to him since but every now and again he comes up with something new that I apparently did. We have chosen to forget about him as we have tried to resolve the issue many times but he would not listen or believe us and cannot prove anything. We have been accredited for hajj this year. Insha-Allah we have every intention on going I would like to know what do we do in this case with regard to greeting him. I am afraid that should I be the better person and ask for maaf as to clearings conscience incase I have hurt him knowing or unknowingly he might use this against me and say that I did do all those bad things to him and now admitted it and asked for maaf. Also this has caused a split in my husband's family with some believing me and some believing him. I really don't know what to do, I have made so much of dua for Allah to clear my name from the accusations. Do I have to greet him and what does my husband do in this situation. Jazakallah

Parents fighting

Q: My question is regarding parents fighting and being separated. They have been fighting my whole life with as time passes fights have gotten uglier with lots of physical and verbal abuse. I am married now and stay a few hours away from them but they still drag me into their arguments and both expect me to say they are right and the other is wrong. I'm really tired and can't deal with it anymore. I just can't move on with my life and they keep dragging me down making me feel guilty that I am happy with my husband. What is the Islamic ruling on parents who do that. I don't want to be disobedient to them in any way because I fear Allah's punishment but I don't know what to do and how to deal with this.

Mother in-law attracted to the son in-law

Q: I have a very weird question and you may think I am being irrational but please hear me out. I am married to my husband of 4 years and we have a young infant. I have been noticing for the past year or so that my Mother has taken a liking to my husband. And it is not in a civil Mother in law way, she likes him romantically. I have thought I could be misled and confused but this is why its taken me a year to be fully convinced. I will explain some of the things she does to clarify my assumptions. Firstly i do not live with my parents I stay there every school holiday. My Mum has become very nosy if i am on my phone she comes to look at it. If i am alone in my room with my daughter and my husband video calls she would barge in and interfere (take note she pulls my daughter and gets on the video to him). She always takes my phone. When my husband comes she tries to get his attention she walks by him from the next room in a way where she cant see me but she looks at him. Another thing is she is absolutely furious when i tell her that my husband is loyal. Take note she is always trying to cause problems e.g. his family are bad to you. She wants me to tell him and it always causes us to fight and its silly things. She does this when nobody is around. She also tries to get him closer to my sisters. For example my husband eight now is on holiday so my mum asked me if hes enjoying it and i had told her that he is actually bored. The next thing i see is she rings my sister and tells her that my husband is bored he needs someone to talk to. Basically indirectly telling her to call him. She tries to make me jealous with my own husband. Bare in mind i think my husband knows this i am sure she told him things in my absence. He has told me that my mum is bad so i'm sure he knows. There are so many examples but those are basic things i have noticed. She acts like she is his 'thauba' wife because when my brothers want to eat she acts like it is not her job. She takes my daughter and acts as if shes here to visit. She doesnt like me bonding with my child. Please help me is there a dua or something i can read on her? I trust my husband but i feel like what if he listens one day. I hate to say this but she is acting like a shaythan always trying to come in between our marriage.

Boy not happy to get married to a girl his mother chose

Q: My mother has selected a bride for my elder brother. He is not happy with the skin color of the bride however the girl comes from a good family and has good character. But my elder brother is not happy as all his friends have beautiful wives. Please provide an explanation so that me, my mother and family can convince my brother. Is there any salah or ayah to offer and fill my brothers life with piece and love?

Husband shirking in his responsibilities

Q: I have been married for 16 years to my husband and we have 3 children he now says he wants a talaaq. I was not aware that we had any problems and I recently found out that he is having an affair with a Christian married woman. I do not want our marriage to end because I take my duty as his wife seriously and I will have no means to support our children. I still love my husband greatly. I want to know what my rights as his wife is and can he just decide to abandon his family? His mother and sister are also dependent on him and he is abandoning them as well.

Problems with step-mother

Q: My parents were separated when I was two  and divorced when I was 10. Now I live with my father and his 2nd wife. Relationship between her and me is not stable since her entry in the house. She always says something objectionable about me to father and father doesn't investigates. She ruined my character in front of him and my neighbours. Every time hates me. Does anything to distract me from studies, and I am preparing for medical. But she always disturbs me. What shall I do? I complain to father. She puts the blame on me. Anyhow..! What is the solution..? I am not able to tolerate these things anymore.