
Seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta'ala and disregarding one's feelings

Q: Now a days I am too much distracted. Actually I am going to get back on track after a big time gap. But can't get a Push. Wazkur rabbaka iza naseeta. This ayat is striking my mind because I forgot Him. Surely, He never. Whenever I try to offer prayer, I feel it mountainous (auzubillah). I leave without any reason. Even if I pray, my body and mind doesn't support me. I feel lazy. Where Allah Ta'ala says wastaeeno bisabri was salati, innaha la Kabeeratan Illa alal khaashieen? Who are khashieen? And how can I find peace and happiness in prayer. How can I pray it happily? Also I almost always offered Farz Namaz. And ran away from sunnat and nawafil considering them unimportant. Even now I just try to run away.

Husband involved in a haraam relationship

Q: I need some advice on my marriage problem. After four months of my marriage my husband confessed to me that he doesn't love me at all and is in love with another girl from before marriage. He only got married to me because he was angry and wanted to get over her. He never gave any feeling like he doesn't like me at the beginning of marriage he even accepted me as a wife, it after 2 or 3 weeks I could see he was changing and had a strong gut feeling. Now he asking me for some time to change but doesn't know exactly how long it will take. He accepted he loves his ex too much he doesn't know if he could forget her and start loving me. I really wanted to know in this situation what am I supposed to be doing, are we still supposed to be staying together as wife and husband and is our marriage still valid can I also include all this is really affecting me mentally.

Overcoming depression

Q: So sad with cancer and side effects of surgery which is swelling to the hands. Can't really get on with my life. Over thinking about it everyday. Wishing life could be back to normal as it was before. Depressed most of the time. Nobody to talk to and feeling lonely.

Excessive talking

Q: I read that it is not good to talk too much. I realize I have this bad habit of excessive talking. What to do to stop myself as it is an old habit and sadly its roots are deep inside me?

Women remaining at home

Q: What is the shariah ruling about women taking kids to public parks? My husband is never willing to take our kids to park all on his own. He gets angry if I present the idea of him going with children only. I have to go with them (in full purdah, keeping my gaze lowered), am I sinning?

Marital problems

Q: Can a man have two wives if he is unable to support them? My husband has another wife. Both he and the other wife are unemployed and not earning any income. I am the only one working. We all live in one house. Being the only one working does not affect me as much as the fact that I have no alone time with my husband. I do not get to have any intimate time with my husband. He only shares that part with her because they are alone and we are not. The only alone time we have is when he says goodbye to me at the gate in the mornings. Please advise what to do. I make dua everyday that he finds a good job so that we can have separate homes. This is such a difficult situation and is taking its toll on me. I desperately want a child but with no alone time I obviously cannot even think about getting pregnant. A friend suggested that I get my own place and they must see to themselves but how do I do that to another person who I know does not have an income? Please help me figure this out?

Working and studying Deen

Q: I am currently studying ACCA. There are 5 members ( parents, 2 sisters and me ) in my family. My 2 sisters will marry in future and they will leave our house. By the grace of Allah, few years ago our residential property converted to commercial property and because of this we can earn a good amount of rental income. My mother is saying that I will have to do job after completing ACCA. But my plan is to spend my life participating in religious activities like tableeg, serving my parents and humanity, praying, doing Hifz e Quran and becoming an Alim from Darul Ilm Birmingham's online Alim course. I don't want to do job because if I do job then I will not be able to devote myself enough for a high rank in Jannah (Jannatul Firdous). Its my wish to attain high level of Jannah. If I don't do the job then my mother will become angry and disheartened. But I don't agree with her because rental income is enough for a good life and there is no need of mine to do job. I think that Allah has granted the property so that I can use my time in a good way. Please advise on this. I am quite depressed.