Attaining maximum hoors in Jannah
Q: Are there any particular azkaar that have been mentioned in the hadith to attain maximum number of Hoor al Ain in Jannah?
Q: Are there any particular azkaar that have been mentioned in the hadith to attain maximum number of Hoor al Ain in Jannah?
Q: Is there any particular dua or zikr that allows us to go to Jannah without any reckoning?
Q: I need some advise. I have a 17 year old boy who is seeing a white girl but has no religion. This girl is 5 months pregnant and they both want to marry. She wants to accept Islam. Can you please advise me on the correct Islamic way where they both will be believers. The child is his as there is no one else as he is still living with her. Also, am I suppose to disown my child because of this?
Q: My parents want me to pursue architecture. But, I want to be a psychologist or an Islamic scholar. I have little to no interest in architecture. Which is the better option to pick? My parents will not like it but will let choose my own career.
Q: Frequently I go into a depression whenever someone unjustifiably disgraces me or is unjust towards me. In such depressive states I often don't perform Salaah and start playing video games and watching YouTube movies. It is obviously very evil and haraam but I don't feel like making any Deeni effort at all. I will even make Wudhu but delay Salaah until the time expires.
I often feel: 'Why should I not attend a haraam function if my parents are just going to scream and be angry with me'; 'Why should I decline jobs if senior honoured 'Ulama are all themselves comfortable and participants of haraam images and banks' ; 'Why should I be careful about na-mahrams when every single Aalim in the family without exception lives and interferes freely with maids and na-mahram relatives,' etc. Please advise me.
Q: I know someone who has been disgnosed with gender identity dysphoria. In this condition, one feels like the oppostie gender ever since they get into their senses and its caused during pregnancy inside the womb. When the baby is developing, some hormones are released which causes the coding of the mind of the child to be of the other gender. Such kids from childhood feel like the other gender and they also try to commit suicide. It's a medically caused condition by hormones and it is also in their genes. Is it accepted in Islam because it's a disease?
Q: Please advise me on how to refrain from committing the sins whispered by Shaitaan into my heart? I am constantly getting the urge to shorten my beard and wear western clothings such as t-shirts, jeans, trousers, etc. The temptations I feel are strong and forceful.
Additionally sometimes these temptations depress me when people around me misbehave with me due to my attire being a long robe or a long thoub which is always above my ankle.
Please be advised that under my current employment conditions, I have to live beyond city limits where my shaikh resides and it is very difficult for me to communicate with him as he has become old and frail. Additionally I have a language barrier that I haven't been able to overcome as I was born and raised in an Arab nation and educated in a western system.
Q: I want to pursue a career that is more or entirely Islamically alligned but my parents want me to pursue architecture in which I have little to no interest especially as it is not Islamically beneficial (except obeying my parents). I can convince my parents and they will accept but they will not accept very happily. What should I choose?
Q: Why do I feel attracted to mahrams also?
Q: I'm in a very tough situation which involves a second wife. A bit more tham two years ago my first wife went to the UK to give birth to our 3rd child. Alhamdulillah my first daughter was born. After that she had to stay in the UK since her family had decided to buy a house and she took a while to come back home to Kenya. I married a second wife which I told her about after four months when she came for a short period in Kenya. It was a though moment but I managed to calm her down until the news spread to our families. She is the daughter of my mum's brother. To cut the story short I am now being forced to divorce my second wife by both our family members and herself. She has also asked for a divorce now and I am being told I will not be allowed to see my children. I have never ever stopped taking care of her and the kids. I am now in another country pursuing further studies in orthopedics. My question is, are my parents right to force me to divorce my second wife? Even though I love both my wives and do not wish to do so. I told them I will not divorce any one of my wives but now they are saying I will be cursed and my life will be nothing but a disaster without parents' blessings. Please advise on the options I have as I believe divorcing without her being at any fault just to save my family's face will be like zulm amd probably lead to a bigger calamity in my family. I love my parents like any other human being but my mother's and father's tears are clouding my judgement for now.