
Refusing to make nikaah

Q: Me and my, don’t no what to call him, but we did zina and I got pregnant. We didn’t end up having nikaah. He didn’t want to have it with me still after I had the baby. I’m giving him hints that I want it pure and clean and he does not want to. We are both Muslims, grew up both in Muslim households and I’m just lost. I don’t know what to do.

Avoiding problems

Q: Please advise if what I did was wrong.

My family had a quarell so I was asked to explain what happened? I spoke the truth. Now, my granny says I'm wrong for speaking the truth. It hurts because I thought speaking the truth is the right thing to do.

Asking husband for a separation

Q: We, a childless couple have been married for 18 years and got several times abortions during the first trimester. Following all possible modern treatment, due to this bad obstetric history and unknown cause medically in either spouse, doctors advised for adoption. But my husband repeatedly used to tell me for a couple of years: I wish you to live an independent life, go to another city and search for a new job.

In this tough circumstance, how should I manage? Can I leave my husband's home under which Sharia law? Can I take a decision to separate from him, if yes, tell me the procedure because he is much reluctant from my side and wants second marriage. 

Negative thoughts

Q: I am trying to feel close to Allah by not committing sins like avoiding porn and not mastrubating and not listening to music but the thing which is disturbing me is Shaytan. Shaytan is putting anxiety in me by making me think that I became pious. I will die soon. My health anxiety is disturbing me and I keepthinking that I may suffer from a heart attack, cancer, etc.

I am trying and I know it's Shaytan but over time it becomes miserable for me to bear that negative thoughts are circulating in my whole body. Please make dua for me and suggest a short wazifa to get rid of the waswasas and other thoughts from Shaytan that are overpowering me.

Being grateful to Allah and asking for assistance

Q: I made a request and alhamdullilah it was granted. When I performed istikhara each time I asked I got a negative answer. I asked Allah for a sign and I recieved a message on my phone from Quran Messenger that hardly sends videos and texts... "oh you who believe remain stationed" My heart sank again I asked and the same I received. I asked again and another ayat... "and your Lord is going to give you and you will be satisfied" then I would ask again and another ayat "verily with hardship..."

While walking and that moment I would meet someone who would say... "it will get better and Allah will make it easy"... I'm not sure because I'm not a pious person and I don't believe that I'm special or deserving enough to expect a sign from Allah. I think to myself it could just be a coincidence. Even before I started where I am currently and I made istikhara, a person would say "good luck and Allah make it easy" and I would wonder how he would know that I'm not happy being here.

My heart feels depressed. I'm not sure what I should do but I feel that if Allah wants this for me then I should stay. How do I ease my heart and not be ungrateful or unthankful.

Married man seeing a girl he wished to marry previously

Q: I have recently come from hajj with my wife. I am still in Madinah. On my way to Makkah, on the same flight was a girl I wanted to marry previously. There was an attachment previously but her mother said no. It was such a test to see her and I constantly questioned myself why Allah wanted me to see her just before hajj. Through the days of hajj Alhamdulillah I managed to suppress the feelings. Last few days all the feelings I had previously for her are resurfacing, and I have a loving wife who seems to notice that I have been a bit sad lately. I don't know what to do in this situation. My desires are to be able to see her face one last time. But I know it is wrong. How do I approach this. How do I get over this? 

Asking the husband for a divorce

Q: I found explicit chats on my husband's phone, him having an affair with a woman, the chats consisted of 'are we meeting tonight" "thanks for last night" she would say things like "please pay my accounts for me" he would say "send me the details" etc, she sent him pictures of her private parts there was no shame in that, I found out and I exposed him, however I want a talaaq and now the community moulana is saying that I need three witnesses in order to say he was cheating. I have all the chats. They were not discreet in any way, how do I go about this?