
Making sabr

Q: If a wife is disobedient to her husband in any case of deen/dunia, what should the do? Take action or to be patient (sabar) for Allah Ta'ala?

Husband involved in a relationship with another man

Q: I am in great trouble and need sharia based solution. My husband is having sexual relationship with male guys and has been in this practice since puberty. I came to know when I got married to him. Another problem is that he wants me to be a part of his game and join his friends in this venture. I tried to get divorce but he says he will keep my children. I cannot leave my children with him cause he will destroy them. I am doing a job as he does not want to spend money on children's education. I have taken this responsibility but now as I want my children to join my school as it is a well known he is not allowing them and creating all the barrier to keep them not getting admission there. My only purpose in life is to provide quality future to my children so they may not become the victim for such a man and stand on their own feet.

Husband having an affair with a young girl

Q: I found out that my husband is having an affair with a 21 year old muslim girl. He has confessed that he does love her. So I read istikara to ask for guidance. My first dream was I was at my mums house and all of my bags were packed but I am busy helping my mum to make sweetmeats. My second dream was I was at the mall but I was having intercourse with my husband. I am very confused so I am not sure what this means.

Marital problems

Q: I want to ask a question about my marriage. I got married when I was 18 to a guy who was 28 at that time. Then we lived together for 7 days because I was a student. So I came back in dubai and he went back to Canada. He never came back from Canada now. It's been 6 years I am waitng for him and we didn't have any intercourse in those 7 days. Now what am I supposed to do. Is my nikaah still valid?

Feeling that someone is sitting on one

Q: From about many years, I feel that somebody sits on me when I suddenly get awaken from my sleep. At that time, I use to be awake but suddenly my eyes get closed under pressure and my mouth gets closed. I try to shout but can't. I also feel somebody is walking in my room and from about a year I even hear some words which that person makes in my ear during that time which I don't understand. As a result of this, my heart has become very weak though I offer prayers five times a day and also recite ayat ul qursi and four quls (surah kafiroon, surah iklas. surah falaq. surah nas) but still undergo this. Same was happening with my father who passed away last year. Same also happens with my sister and mother but rarely. I even hear knocking sounds on door during this. Please tell me something about this.

Apprehending harm from the first wife

Q: I am making nikkah soon Insha Allah. I will become a second wife to this man. He is married to a very violent woman and this is one of my concerns as she has already attacked me physically in public and I'm sure she won't stop. She isn't afraid of him, she swears and hits him, in public too. I love this man very much so I have made sacrifices to be with him. My other concern is that they are married in community of property, that means, what is his is theirs and that means whatever he buys for me will legally belong to them and not me, which also means that should he pass on, she can claim my home and leave me stranded. What are my rights once we married? He wants to get us an apartment while his first wife owns a house. He has set up a trust fund for her but nothing for me as yet. I feel like I will be second in everything. If I do marry him, it will be anc, in accordance to shariah. Am I right in being concerned for my future or am I being selfish? Please advise me.

Marital problems

Q: I really need your advice. I am married for almost a year now. My husband works only on weekends at the Fleamarket while I work Monday- Fridays normal 8- 5 shifts. During the week he is at leisure . He goes to the Malls , sits on the beach. sleeps etc etc. This is really getting to me . I feel as a man it is his duty to take care of me. I asked him to go find a normal weekday job . He said straight out he cant afford to take care of me . That is why I have to work. I don't have a problem working , I love to work . But why doesn't he want to work as well. I compare him to other men and he gets angry .These days when i get home his not at home his either at his friends or looking for car parts for his golf. I got so angry last night because I want to come home to my husband but he is sitting at his friends house. We ended up in a huge argument, I broke his cigarettes and then he hit me. Yes mufti he hit me. He says I must grow up this is the 21st century men dont need to take care of woman. Am I wrong. We all want the good things in life to be at leisure. We live with his family. No body at home knows what he did that is why i am hoping to get a response from you. He says I am jealous of his lifestyle . Yes I am. I am lost. Must I leave him?