Names, Surnames & Titles

Names for girls and boys

Q: I was wondering if the following names are acceptable:

- Taariq as in, Taariq bin Ziyaad.

- Shurahbil who was involved in the Conquest of Syria - is he a Sahabi?

- Shurayh

- Jurayj as in the one mentioned in a hadeeth.



- Humaydah

- Rumaysaa (Umm Sulaym bint Milhaan?)

- Humayraa (Aa'isha (Radiyallahu Anhas) nickname?)

Please provide Arabic and meanings.

Girls names

Q: Please can you advise if the following names are suitable?

Alayna- princess

Diyanah- Religion

Liyanah- tenderness, softness

Aleena- silk of heaven, tender, soft

Myiesha- Life's blessing

Mysha- Happy for entire life

Misha- pretty

The name "Shazil Majid"

Q: I am enquiring about the name I am about to give to my newborn son. Please tell me how is this name, Shazil Majid. What is its Islamic relevance and what is the impact on the child? Is it a good name with good meaning? Should I go ahead and give this name to my son?

Keeping the name Abdullah

Q: I had a quick question on rules of naming a child. I want to name my new born son Aadam Al-Abdullah Ibn Ibrahim Ali. Is this name valid and not against Islamic teaching? Some people say Al- is a problem as it specifies. From my understanding Al-Abdullah means the servant of Allah? Please advise?