Names, Surnames & Titles

The name "Minha"

Q: Can you please let us know the exact meanings of baby name "Minha"? Is it a good name for a baby girl? We are confused. Please help us. I got different meanings from different sites such as Gift, Grant, Blessings, Donation, Scholarship.

Using a Muslim surname

Q: Can you please advise me. I am a born muslim. My husband is a Christian, but converted to Islam when he was 5 years old. His mum married again a muslim man. Now I would like to know can my children have his non-muslim surname and be muslim or must I give them my muslim surname?

Keeping the name "Amelia"

Q: Is Amelia a suitable name for Muslim girls. It is a Latin word meaning beautiful and trustworthy. It has been mentioned in many Islamic names sites. It is also a German name that's why I am concerned otherwise we really like the name. Kindly guide us in this matter.