Names, Surnames & Titles


Q: Are the following Sahaabah and what do these names mean? Al-Mugheerah, Al-Ahnaf, Al-Aqra'? Also Al-Lajlaaj and Al-Irbaad?

Keeping the name "Wahdaan"

Q: I was looking up names for my newborn baby boy and came across the name Wahdaan (meaning shows up as peerless, unique and singular). One of our good friends suggested that names like Ahad, Wahid, Wahdaan should not be kept for babies as only Allah Ta'ala is deserving of those names and humans should not be named with such names. Should I go ahead with the name Wahdaan or do you advise against it? Your help and clarification would be really appreciated.

The name "Anas"

Q: We are expecting our second child and we need advise on names. We have chosen the following, please can you advise if these names are advisable and also possible pronunciation. What other names are good for a baby? Sofia, Afreen, Anas, Daniyal?