
Ahaadith relating to Dajjal

Q: I just want to know about Dajjal. Some people narrate hadeeths about him being a son of Adam and will be born to a couple who would be barren for 30 years while others narrate a story about him being chained on an island. What should we be believing? What's correct and what's not? Please do enlighten me.

أكثر ما يدخل الناس النار الأجوفان: الفم والفرج

س: هناك حديث مشهور (لا أدري في أي المصدر) ذكر فيه أن النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم قد سئل : أي الأعمال أكثر تسببا في دخول الناس النار. و أخبر النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم أنها اللسان و الفروج. (ذكرت جزء الحديث بالمعنى نسيت لفظه). أرجو منكم الحصول على الشرح التفصيلي لهذا الحديث إذا كان بكم أي كتاب فيه شرح تفصيلي لهذا الحديث.

The dua of every Nabi

Q: I heard that every prophet and messenger were given one Du'aa that Allah will definitely fulfil e.g Sulaiman (Alayhis Salaam) had control over all Jinns and had power. Nuh (Alayhis Salaam) made du'aa that all the non believers be killed. What was Isa (Alayhis Salaams) Du'aa?

Hadith query

Q: Is it true that there is a hadith stating something to this effect: "Only ambiyaa are allowed to be buried in structures." If it is a صحيح حديث then why are the two khalifas (hazrat Abu-bakr and hazrat umar) buried in a structure?