Working for a bank
Q: I'm looking for a job and I got an offer in at an Investment Banking. I didn't know if I should accept it because I do not know if working in a bank is haram? Can I accept this job offer?
Q: I'm looking for a job and I got an offer in at an Investment Banking. I didn't know if I should accept it because I do not know if working in a bank is haram? Can I accept this job offer?
Q: I am working in a bank in the cards finance department. Is it permissible for Muslims to work in a bank in finance dept? Am I earning haram income?
Q: Will working in the bank's software development team be considered halal?
Q: I am a bcom graduate. Can I work in Investment banks like Northern trust, BNP paribas?
Q: Please tell me if bank job is halaal in Islam or it is prohibited in Islam because I am working in a bank department but my conscience is not satisfied so please guide me.
Q: I have a doubt, are Muslims allowed to work in a bank.
Q: Im working in a corporate bank. But I dont deal with interest. My work is related to preparing letters and written off and some back end work. I do not come under getting or giving or calculating or witnessing interest. But the bank pays me. Is this halal or haram?
1. What is the ruling on the income generated by working for a newspaper. The newspapers contain pictures, news which have the elements of backbiting, blaming, etc. Can we eat from the homes of these newspaper owners or their employees? They are close relatives and it will be difficult not to eat/drink while visiting them?
2. How about eating at the homes of bank emoloyees in the similar situation of being close relatives? Would the sin be greater if we eat there than eating in the newspaper employees?
Q: If a relative works for the bank in the computers department (networks, fixing computers, etc., not programming) then is his income 100%halal? Would it be advisable to eat his food?
Q: Is it permissible to work in a bank as a probationary officer or a clerk or if I prepare for a bank exam with an intention of working there. Is that preparation permissible. If I intend to work in a bank with an intention of getting married and if I intend to leave that job after marriage. In such a case, What is halal and what is haram?