Advertising via the Internet or other ways

Advertising for a gym

Q: My partner and I are planning on launching a mobile app for health conscious people. In the app, people will be able to review and rate healthy restaurants, gyms, sports gear, supplements, etc. Our revenue will mainly be through advertising for healthy restaurants, gyms and sports brands, etc. Some of the gyms here use music during workouts and some of them have male and female customers, even if both genders are not training in the same area or at the same time. We are not opening a gym, but we are providing a platform where people can review gyms in terms of quality, trainers, equipment, etc. and our revenue would partly come from gyms through them advertising on our app. Is this permissible?

Earning online through Link Shortener sites

Q: My question is about online earning. Is earning with Link Shortener sites halaal?

Link Shortener sites shorten our links and put ads on it. Whenever someone click on that link, he first see's ads then he goes to the real site. These sites put ads on our links and pay us. When people see the ads, it makes revenue and sites share revenue with us. So is this earning halal or haram?

Advertising for businesses and companies

Q: I want to put up some advertising boards in my town and get shops and companies to advetise on and charge them. Is this permissible?

Secondly, I wont get companies that are dealing in haraam to advertise with them, so it will probably be businesses like supermarkets and hardware stores etc. But my problem is that am I allowed to advertise for them if a part of their business might be haraam or doubtful. For example I personally dont eat commercial chickens even though it might have a halaal stamp on it. I prefer to stay away since I feel it is still doubtful, will I be able to still advertise for that supermarket that sells it. Or if there is a car dealer who sells cars but organises a loan for a customer based on interest then am I allowed to advertise for him.

Also is there any guidelines that you can give me and advise?

Advertising in the newspaper and on online platforms


1. Is it permissible to advertise for my business in the newspaper?

2. Is it permissible to advertise for my business on advertising platforms like Gumtree and Junkmail? On such platforms, once a person clicks on my ad, he will not see other people’s ads. However, ads from other websites of all sorts may pop up.

3. Is it permissible to advertise for my business on Instagram? If someone has to come to my Instagram account, he will only be able to see my posts.

On all these three platforms of advertising, pictures of animate objects of all sort appear in other people’s ads. Also, some of the ads which appear are of an impermissible commodity.

Earning through AdFly

Q: My question is about online earning with AdFly. AdFly is a website on which we can short any link like link of YouTube video. Than someone click on that short link so first he go one page where he see one advertisement(ads may contain pictures). So the person who shorted the link get paid for this. Please tell is Halal or Haram. You can also get some idea on AdFly.

Earning online

Q: Is online earning like Youtube, doing surveys online, installing apps, referring service and apps for others, etc. Many services and websites are available online for earning, that all work in Islamic perspective. Are they halaal or haraam?

Marketing one's product through social networks

Q: I have developed an urdu learning app and I will sell its features.

1. If I ask some of my friends or relatives to forward and market my app as much as they can to their known people, do I need to pay them for this?

2. I am a female, can I market my app by collecting a large number of emails from internet and then send my app link on those email addresses, is it permissible for me to do this?

3. I am not on facebook neither do i use it. Can I ask my friend to market my app on facebook? Is it permissible? Is facebook a haram medium to market my app? What if I dont ask my friend but still she markets my app on facebook, do I need to stop her from marketing my app on facebook?