yellow discharge

Female dishcarge

Q: Recently a sister contacted me regarding a very delicate masla, however i have no knowledge regarding the answer and therefore have forwarded it on to you. Please could you help me with the answer as the sister is very desperate and is fighting with her nafs.

There are 3 very embarrassing problems. Please forgive me but I have no other way of resolving them.

1. Firstly, I have a discharge problem which I have had for a long time. During the last month or two when I go to toilet and try to clean the discharge, I feel sometimes as though an orgasm has started. There is no way of knowing whether any impure fluid has come out because my normal discharge is still there. Do I need a gusl to purify myself or not?

2. Secondly, also recently started. I have had two orgasms while having a wet dream. I had a tissue in that area. On one occasion the tissue was dry but when I felt inside the private part it felt slightly wet. I could not tell whether this wetness was normal discharge or a small amount of impure fluid resulting from orgasm. On another occasion. After the orgasm the tissue was dry and it felt dry inside. Do I need gusl to purify myself in any of these situations? 

3. Thirdly, while performing fard gusl there is sometimes discharge or a small amount of urine during the gusl itself, not after. The discharge and/or urine does stop at times but no way of knowing how long it will take to stop and when it will start again. I find myself spending a very long time washing discharge or urine and repeating gusl sometimes again and again. Sometimes if not discharge it might be urine. Can I ignore these problems even though they do stop at times. Before gusl I wash the private part properly then start.

4. It would also be helpful to know what colour the impure fluid mani is in women. Some say yellow and thin with an odour similar to dough. Others say white and thick.

These problems are causing extreme stress n anxiety. Impossible to do ibadat because unsure whether pure or impure. How many times can I do gusl for how many things. Even gusl itself is problem. Making me emotionally and physically ill. Please help me.

Discharge after haidh


1. A woman has a discharge problem all the time. Sometimes the discharge is clear and at times it is a yellow colour. If she has her haidh for 7 days i.e. blood and brown discharge and after the 7th day she starts her normal discharge i.e. clear for a little while and then yellow then will this yellow discharge be haidh?

2. Should she wait for ten to pass and then take a ghusl ?

What is the correct way for a woman to establish that she is out of haidh?


1. What is the correct way for a woman to establish that she is out of haidh?

a. Is it necessary that tissue etc. be inserted and it should be dry

b. If on the tissue is a white discharge, will she be regarded as clean now?

c. Is it not necessary to insert anything, once her pad remains clean she can make ghusl? Sometimes there is a discharge but so little that it does not stain the pad, just when making istinja a wetness can be felt, so one is not sure of the colour of the discharge

d. Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish the colour of the discharge, if there is a very very slight yellowish discharge immediately after haidh, will it be counted too as haidh?

2. If a woman is fasting and a short while before iftar she feels that she has got her haidh, however she only manages to go to he bathroom after making iftar, and she sees that it is haidh, will she have to make qadha of this fast?

Mani (semen) of females

Q: I am in a big problem. I'm really afraid of wet dreams. Last night I saw a dream. It was not of sexual nature, just a lovable nature but I feel as if I was aroused. When I woke up I felt wetness but it was the same wetness I felt a day before when I was awake (I'm thinking it's regular vaginal discharge). I am unmarried so I don't know what mani looks like. Is ghusl still wajib on me? Please suggest because I have doubts in everything, even in wudu prayer and other things etc etc.

Seeing yellow discharge on the last days of haidh


1. After reading several questions on your site regarding haidh, I learned that yellow discharge on the last days of haidh would be considered haidh. Before, I was completely unaware of this, and since the yellow discharge during the last days of haidh looks exactly like the discharge I get in normal days, I used to take a shower and start performing salaahs while having yellow discharge. So sometimes I would take a shower and start salaahs while experiencing this discharge, and when discharge would stop, I would keep performing salaah without taking a shower again. Do I have to repeat such saalahs?

2. Since performing salaah without wudhoo is kufr, and although I did perform wudhoo but failed to shower after yellow discharge, would my salaah fall under this kufr category?

3. Someone questioned how often we should check our discharge during the last days of haidh, since we want to know the exact time we are paak so we can start performing salaahs. In response to this, another person said that if during the last days of haidh, if someone has haidh in the morning, then she will be considered to have haidh the whole day. Is this true, or do we have to keep checking after every few hours?

4. During the last days of haidh, in the mornings there is no discharge at all, sometimes even for a few hours after waking up. My habit is that usually on the seventh day I am paak. This time, I checked at night on the seventh day, and I still had some discharge. I was afraid that I might get paak later at night and miss my Fajr saalah of the eighth day, so I set an alarm for about 3:40 AM. But since after sleeping I don't experience any discharge during the last days, at 3:40 AM when I checked I was clean, so I took a shower and prayed Isha and then later Fajr. Later that day I checked and I still had a faint colored discharge. This process continued the next day: In the morning after sleeping, I was clean, but later in the day I was not. In such cases during the last days of haidh, should I continue taking a shower in the morning and praying, despite knowing that after sleeping I see no discharge and later in the day I might?

Yellow discharge

Q: Is very slightly yellow discharge like normal routine discharge at the end of haidh considered haidh (as my normal discharge is also slightly yellowish) if this yellow discharge is observed on the 9th day of haidh.