What is the correct way for a woman to establish that she is out of haidh?


1. What is the correct way for a woman to establish that she is out of haidh?

a. Is it necessary that tissue etc. be inserted and it should be dry

b. If on the tissue is a white discharge, will she be regarded as clean now?

c. Is it not necessary to insert anything, once her pad remains clean she can make ghusl? Sometimes there is a discharge but so little that it does not stain the pad, just when making istinja a wetness can be felt, so one is not sure of the colour of the discharge

d. Sometimes it's difficult to distinguish the colour of the discharge, if there is a very very slight yellowish discharge immediately after haidh, will it be counted too as haidh?

2. If a woman is fasting and a short while before iftar she feels that she has got her haidh, however she only manages to go to he bathroom after making iftar, and she sees that it is haidh, will she have to make qadha of this fast?


1. She does not need to insert anything. If there is no emission for a short period she can consider herself to be paak and continue thereafter.

If it is yellowish it will be haidh.

2. Yes.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)