
Teaching English in an Islamic classroom

Q: I am a student and in our village teachers were teaching students in the building which was unsafe and village committee couldn't find any building where students could read and there was an Islamic darasgarh on the village side where no one was reading and the village committee took them to that very darsgah. They have to stay there for 2 to 3 months till their premises will complete and they actually paid rent and is just timely settlement but after 8 days some persons came and told them it is not permissible to teach English education in an Islamic darsgah. It is a sin. Please explain to me is it a sin or not.

Removing a poster from the musalla notice board

Q: The 'Al Baraka Bank' had put up a big poster on the note board of a Jamaat Khana. It was a job advertisement, supposedly aimed at the students attending a nearby university. Furthermore, this 'Al Baraka Bank' had hired out a lecture venue at the university. This is for any students wanting to ask questions about the possible career opportunities at the bank etc. The time they set aside for this was between 12:30 and 13:10. When I saw this poster, I was overcome with extreme anger and disgust. When the Jamaat Khana was completely empty, and no one to see me, I removed this poster, tore it up, and threw it in the bin. I am not a trustee of this Jamaat Khana nor do I have any position of authority. If I were to had initially report this poster to the trustees or the Imaam, they would not see anything wrong in this advertising and would not do anything. (1) Since I was not the owner of this evil poster, nor do I have any authority of the Jamaat Khana, was I permitted in discarding the poster? (2) If I acted incorrectly, please advise as to how I can remedy my action.

Screaming and shouting in the Musjid

Q: Is it allowed in a Musjid for someone to recite loudly a naat or nazam and people to start screaming and chanting. The screaming is literally shouting and people going into a trance. The screaming is not praises to Allah or his Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) but really shouting. The reciter also encourages such screaming. Is this practise allowed to take place in a masjid?

Using the empty space of a waqf property for performing Salaah

Q: A property had been made waqf with the intention that the income be utilised for various charity purposes. Presently there is a dire need for a at least a Musallah where the local Muslim brothers can offer daily 5 salaahs. The waaqif is willing to make a supplementary Deed to incorporate the establishment of a Musallah on the empty terrace of the building he had donated. Is this ok and can one perform Jummah salaah and also tarawih and Eid salaah in addition to the daily 5 times salaah in such a place?