
Grandfather gifting property to grandson

Q: My husband's grandfather signed over a piece of property to my husband when he was a child. The property is in his name in all the official paperwork. Is this property rightfully his or would he have to share it with his brothers and sisters? We would like to build a school for young girls on this piece of property, but all of his family members are objecting and would not like to build the school there. They want to sell the land and share the money. Does he have a right to build the school or does he have to share with his brothers and sister? We also have 4 children too.

Receiving rental from a house that was purchased with haraam money

Q: My grandparents won a lottery of 1 lakh rs around 20 years ago. They then added some amount to this lottery amount (around 35K rs) and purchased a home. Thereafter, one of my family members lived in that house. Presently that house is on rent and we receive a rent of around 10K rs per month. I came to know that lottery is haram. So what should be done now?

Not allowing one's step son on one's property

Q: My husband has a son from his 1st marriage, he is 17. When we got married we used to see him at the weekends but then that stopped as it all went to court. Over the last year he made contact with my husband and they see each other every few weeks. Now his son wants to move in with us. I don't have an issue if he comes to visit but I am not comfortable with him moving in as I have a daughter from my previous marriage. She has not reached puberty yet but is 12 and will do soon.

My husband is adamant that he moves in with us. I want to know where I stand Islamically in this. My husband moved in with me into my property which I owned before I married him. My husband does own a property but his father and brother reside there.

Paying interest

Q: I am a 26 year old man with a job in the I.T field alhumduallah. I am currently living with my family and they are making lots of plans to buy a building with interest. They have already found a building and are planning to move in and live there. I don't want to be apart of interest and i never imagined being in this situation. As the youngest brother(i have 3 older brothers) my opinion doesn't hold much weight in the family. They think i dont know anything. They would like me to help with the payments in order to pay the building off as quickly as possible. Will i be sinfil for helping them make payments and what is your opinion about living in a house in riba? I can take care of myself as i am financially stable. And my teacher also said i can live at his madrasa for free and he recommended me to ask you. The biggest problem i see is that if i move out it may mess my relationship up with the family. 

Property not on owners name

Q: Aslam purchased a piece of land with his earning. Since he was not in the country, his father did all the legal procedures, so papers were filed in his father's name. When Aslam came to the country, the father had to transfer papers to Aslam's name. Unfortunately, the father passed away. Now will this land b considered as the father's property and would be distributed among the heirs, or will it be considered as Aslam's property?

Bequest for a property to be given to someone after one's death

Q: "A" nominated the name of "BC" in immovable property during his life time at the society records, stating that after his death "BC" will be the owner of the immovable property, in the presence of his other legal heirs/family members and the other legal heirs knows the same, thereafter "A" died, whether the nominees "BC" will be the sole co-owners of the said immovable property or other legal heirs of the deceased will have right over the said property, as per Islam, Please answer.