
Suspecting the husband of being involved in an affair

Q: This question is from my mother. She is 57 years old and my father is 60 years old. She is regular in her daily 5 times prayers and is also memorizing the quran as well. She also teaches tajweed. She is feeling a difference in my father's attitude towards her and us children. She is doing a lot of istikhara and nafl prayers for my dad since he rarely takes interest in her and us. Although he is a good provider, he attends to all our financial needs but he hardly takes interest in spending time at home with us like before. Before he was very jolly and spent time with us talking. My mother saw this dream twice that she is sitting at the back of the car and he is sitting at the front. She also saw lots of lizards running around and kitten many of thrm. She thinks he is involved with another woman. She also dreamt my dad with another woman, his new wife and kids. She dreamt that there is a snake's head in the water pipe of the house. The snake is hidden in the pipe, my mom can only see the head. Please provide interpretations. My mom has gone into severe depression. Please help.

Protecting one's Imaani values and principles

Q: I had a dream wherein my cousin had made zina with my other cousin. Then I was in a masjid kind place, and it was still under construction, and I was driving my father's car up a hill, and while it was stopped, i had the brakes in. Suddenly it started to roll and I picked up the hand brakes, but nothing happened i.e it did not stop rolling, and I smashed a few cars until I came to a stop at the bottom of the hill. Then I saw a man who had a cell phone and I knew it was he who overrode the cars braking system. Then I was in a dark room and I clicked a button on his phone and the lights went off. Then one of my friends were looking through the window of the masjid in construction and he screamed "who's there". Thereafter I remember my cousin's father (the girl's father) saying to my cousin who had made zina with her that you'll can sort it out between yourselves, thereafter they got married. Please interpret it.

Dreaming of one's teacher

Q: I had a dream wherein I saw my teacher and a few students and we were in a place with a tall house, and my teacher and I were sitting at a computer and I was showing him an Islamic website, which I run. Thereafter he smiled and I don't remember the rest of the dream.

Making a proper investigation of the person one intends marrying

Q: I know one should not entirely rely on dreams when taking a decision for Nikaah and rather should make mashwarah. I do respect this process, however, as sometimes Allah Ta'ala guides one through a dream in response of the istikhaara, I need to know the significance of the dream. On the 5th night, I saw the following before Fajr time begins (like 1 or 2 hours before). (I may have forgotten some other details of the dream). I saw the girl's mother. My nose was bleeding and I noticed that the front hood of my car was damaged (while in reality it has no damages), as if the car had had an accident with another car.


Q: In 2013 my mom had insult (veins in brain exploded). She was in coma for few weeks, she was dying, doctors were saying there is no hope as they see, the organism doesn’t fight anymore etc. Praise be to Rabbil Alamin for the mercy He sent me saving my mom who is now walking, cooking, doing all she did before, amin!! She is 69. She is not Muslim and I pray Allah to make her Muslim, amin. She worries about everything. Now she worries about one member of our family drinking alcohol due to debts. I know disease are from Allah, as well as the cure and everything belongs to Him, not only disease and cure, but I say all details, because as I understand He doesn’t just send disease without any factors to happen first (please share the right knowledge if I am mistaken). Today I saw a dream that I see her in toilet, I am not sure if that member of a family was there too. Then suddenly I see her lying in the bathroom while hot water is running on her face. I think, mama, why don’t you turn it off and come to her and see she is (naked if I remember correct) kind of unconscious. The same dead swallowed no movement face as I was seeing when she was in reanimation in coma… I think she opened an eye for a second, or I saw somehow the color of her eye… I think she even tried to stand or made a movement with her hand to close the water, but I think I saw again that face with no movements and realized she has been struck again. in a dream or already awake I understood that worrying about this member of a family is a factor that is a first sign that she will have the same disease again or even die and Allah knows best. then I thought it could also mean that she will be guided to Islam in shaa Allah. Amin. What does this dream mean? Allah didn’t send it for nothing and I believe we must ask His knowledgeable slaves for interpretation expecting the answer coming from Him Alone.


Q: I made a istakhara prayer and in the dream I saw that in the dark I am waiting for the bus with my cousin sister and aunt and soon the bus arrived that had a dim light in it. Then I had a torch in my hand which I showed to my cousin and aunt to climb the steps of the bus. So, what does this mean?

Dreaming of worms

Q: I saw a dream before fajr. I saw lots of worm like creatures clung to my family and we are trying hard to get rid of these. It looks like something falls of me in particular and changes into a worm and this way they are multiplying. At the end I saw that we successfully got rid of all worms. Please interpret my dream. What does this mean?