

Q: I had the following dream before Fajr. Insha Allah, if it can please be interpreted. I was inside my house and walked passed the front door which was open. Two very cute male babies were lying on the floor in the veranda just outside the front door. I thought that these babies could be my new brothers, or even my sons. They were in a happy condition: making baby sounds and laughing. I started making 'baby sounds' myself thus effectively conversing with the babies. We were all very delighted and happy at the interaction. It then came to mind that I could do something better: teach the babies the Name of Allah Ta'ala. I then started saying,"Allah Allah Allah" in a moderate voice. The babies tried to repeat after me, this continued for a short while. The babies then began saying "Allah Allah Allah" by themselves and without my aid. I felt pleased but then doubted if I had done the right thing since they might unintentionally say "Allah Allah" in places of impurity. I then left not sure about the correctness of my action. I never feel too comfortable; I was slightly agitated also. The dream then ended.


Q: I seek clarity regarding a dream which occurred whilst reciting istikhara for nikaah. The dream is as follows:

I remember walking endlessly for kms and hours alone after which I reached a restaurant. I walk into the restaurant because I was so hungry and thirsty, I kept staring at the amazing display of food but I had no money to satisfy my hunger or thirst My condition i.e attire resembled that of extreme poverty whilst the people around me were well dressed and very happy as I looked around, I met my uncle who is also much happy eating a feast of food around, I felt ashamed walking across to ask him for cash for food I however go to him only to be told that I will find a husband one day.



1) I saw a dream in late morning but I don't remember all of it. I saw I was in our bathroom but it look little bit different, toilet was in a different place. I was urinating, two chickens came near me (1 chicken was red and other was yellow), not sure if they were female or male chickens. I sat in the toilet if I was strapped and can't come out of it. I think I have squeezed red chicken with my hands, this chicken spoke saying"he can't do nothing to me" I think red chicken was telling yellow chicken I can't do nothing to him(I can't hurt him). Then chickens left through a gap. After that I saw something looks like old bicycle wheel, I was scared it might be a snake but it wasn't a snake then I woke up. In real life I hate toilets I find them dirty and disgusting.

2) As far as I know, we shouldn't tell anyone about our dreams especially bad dreams. If we don't tell no one, dreams can't harm us, I think it's mentioned in a hadith, is that true? If it's true then is it good idea tell you about our dreams?

Dreaming of one's deceased father

Q: I saw a dream at 8pm. I saw that I am sitting on the floor right next to my dead father in my house. My mother is sitting right behind my dead father and my sister is perceived to be around but is not physically present between us. I saw a lady who is known to me in real life comes near to my dead father and behaves in such a way as if she wants to get really close to my dead father, but my father who is sitting as if he is so scared of something with black patches on his hands and feet is very angry on the lady and the way she tries to get near to him. The lady had something in her hand which she gave to my father. He took it from her and hit back her hand real bad. I went angry seeing how she was disturbing my father and said to her "why don't you go away, it's quite night, come tomorrow". And I turned back for a min and when I turned back to her she was again trying to get near to my father and drags herself near to him setting her dupatta in an attempt to charm my father who is extremely angry on her. I force her to go out of my house saying it's quite night and she leaves. I am really upset concerning my father. My father was not happy, please interpret my dream and let me know what do you think is really disturbing my father. And please let me know what actually this dream points out to so that I may try to change something.

Dreaming of black figures

Q: My husband often has dreams about black figures chasing him and trying to catch him. (He murmurs something continuously in his sleep) and when I asked him he said that he was praying whatever came to his mind and the black figures went away (my husband has never prayed the quran so he just does know limited surahs).


Q: I saw a dream. I talked to the father of the girl which I wish to marry and he didn't tell me no. He was texting me through whatsapp. I got more better person than you. I got guys who are CA (chartered Accountant) and look at you what qualification you have? I was upset that time because I didn't have a degree and I was going start my network engineering course after few months. I also saw huge waves of sea and also saw vintage car (which I like) in green colour but it was a little dusty. Also I wanted to do wudu but I slipped then got up and went home to read salaah. Can you tell me the meaning of this dream?

Dreaming of jinns

Q: I want to know I have been seeing jinns in my dreams. The jinns are always bothering me but im always reciting Allahs name and they are trying to stop me from it but I still continue. Recently I saw one jinn bothering me but I recited Aytil kursi and drood shraif. It seemed like one was over looking at me and my husband and j was reading durood sharif. I woke up with sweat and heavy head.

Dreaming of mynas

Q: I saw in my dream that the door of my balcony left open and a very big size of myna entered into my room. It was moving here and there to find exit. As I saw, I was not frightened but astonished, I called my husband to get it out. My husband led it outside but some small mynas still remain which I didn't get bothered about. What does this mean?