
Remaining committed to the Sunnah

Q: I had a dream about my husband. We are done with nikaah but the wedding is in November Insha Allah. I dreamt he was already married, has children too. I play with his children while his 1st wife is around and they are not in good terms with each other and she also knows that I am his wife. I see acceptance for his child and him at the same time I have issue with front lower teeth. I see it's big and almost broken and ask my mother to see a doctor for it and get it off. A new one is already growing. When I woke up it was fajar azaan. I am very worried about this dream .

Dreaming of becoming the president

Q: My 12 year old son has been quite interested in government politics. He wants to become a politician. Recently, he had a dream that he became a politician and then the president of South Africa. In the dream, there was fast economic growth, people realised South Africa had become a perfect tourist destination, crime was reduced, people were happy to have a just president who is also not corrupt. The country had taken a huge turn around, had a stable government and was well maintained. Please can you give an interpretation of this dream.

Urinating in a dream

Q: I saw a very short and simple dream. I saw myself urinating, what does it means? When I woke up instantly I had attention towards my genital. I felt like I wanted to urinate. I believe this dream was caused by shaytaan.

Istikhaara for marriage

Q: I made an istakhara namaz for marriage. I saw myself with my aunt and some other relatives at some other home with a small kid. The kid is playing around with me. (Please be informed that the person I am planning to marry is already married and waiting for divorce and has a 2 year old girl. His wife is at fault so he wants to leave her but adopt that kid which his wife is not giving. So my family also says to me that let him get divorce first) so what does this dream mean as in the dream I have no where seen him or his family and the kid I saw was some other kid. Kindly be informed that in my last istakahara pryaer also I had seen my aunt with a small baby kid. Please let me know what all this means.

Wife dreaming that she is married to someone else

Q: I recently got married to a lady whom I fell in love with. Right after 20 days of marriage she started seing bad dreams. The dream she saw recently was that she was in nikah with me and one other person at the same time that was the person whom she didn't know about. Me and her are very disturbed about these kind of dreams. Could you please guide us what could be the meaning of this dream.

Istikhaara for marriage

Q: Last night I did istikhaara and my mother also did istikhaara but my mother did not see any dream where as I saw a dream where in I have seen a ash colour big cat was throwing mirror pieces on me continuously the mirror pieces are very sharp I was trying to hold them so that I can not get hurt. Despite my efforts to protect, I got hurt and my left leg thumb got cut and bled but I did not see any blood. In the other dream I saw 5 to 6 dead army soldiers and one with out head. Army soldiers lying in pool of blood. The little blood is on the ground. I saw just the blood on the ground. Do please tell me what it means.

Istikhaara for marriage

Q: My mother did istikhara for my marriage and first day of istikhara she saw one young lady along with little girl offering salaah (namaz) wearing very beautiful light red colour dress. Both are wearing same colour dress. Then the next day of istikhara she saw a dream in that she saw marriage ceremony is going on in our home. Nikaah is going on all guests are happy and some one came and said to my mother that nikah is over. All guests are wearing different colour dresses and she is wearing orange colour saree and my mother's aunty is wearing complete red color saree. Other colour she saw was blue, green and white which is not clear as much as red and orange color. Can you please tell me the meaning of it.

Shouting in one's sleep

Q: I have a problem from many months like when I sleep at night, I wake up shouting as if I have seen something near the place where I sleep. I literally see someone sitting where my feet ends or a face in the wall and scream out of fear and wake up shouting and this happens usually after 5 a.m in India and sometimes it happens like I am not able to move my hands, legs and head and cannot speak. Even after trying to move with all my strength or trying to shout at the top of my voice. I find it hard to breath and at that point if someone just touches me, i wake up then its a relief for me like I survived death and this happens early morning and when I am sleeping straight. I always sleep after reciting surah fatiha then ayatal kursi then 3 times surah ikhlaas surah falak and surah naas then one time surah kafiroon surah takasur and surah kausar then dua for sleeping then 21 times bismillah and one dua is like ﺑِﺴْﻢِ ﺍﻟﻠَّﻪِ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻱ ﻟَﺎ ﻳَﻀُﺮُّ ﻣَﻊَ ﺍﺳْﻤِﻪِ ﺷَﻲْﺀٌ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟْﺄَﺭْﺽِ ﻭَﻟَﺎ ﻓِﻲ ﺍﻟﺴَّﻤَﺎﺀِ ﻭَﻫُﻮَ ﺍﻟﺴَّﻤِﻴﻊُ ﺍﻟْﻌَﻠِﻴﻢُ and then the 1st kalima and then I sleep either on my left or right but still I wake up out of fear dreams. Even if I sleep very late at night, I will still be awake at the same time. What should I do?