
Making Istikhara for a profession

Q: My mom did istikhara for me last night regarding my profession. I am appearing in my medicine exam in Jan Insha Allah. She called me today and said that she saw a dream she saw my green lawn and countless green parrots come and sit there. She woke up and was feeling very happy and satisfied. Please interpret this dream.

Running away in a dream

Q: I have a dream which I see a lot of times and since a long time. I am not sure exactly how long but I am sure its the same dream I see again and again. Before I used to just ignore it thinking it is just a dream. But now I am a bit worried with these questions in my mind, why do I see this dream most of the times and what could be the meaning of this dream? I would be very very grateful if you could give me some information about this dream. The dream is that I am always running away from someone or something like an animal. I know the person who is running away is me because I feel it when I get tired of running and the fear I have from the one who is chasing me. It's a horrible feelings even when I wake up my heart beats very fast like I was running in real life. But the person who is chasing me always changes. It could be sometimes my mum, sometimes any of my relatives, friends, sometimes a very scary person and sometimes even an animal such as dog etc. Also the place I see this dream always changes. Sometimes it's mountains, sometimes desert, sometimes very old houses and places sometimes just heigh walls etc, but it's always dark in this dream. Whatever the place is, it's always dark there. When I am trying to ran away from that person or thing I leave it very far behind but then in the blink of an eye that person is very close to me again and still running after me which I can't ran away from no matter how hard I try and then I wake up feeling tired and scared. Also anther thing about this dream is that its not always tiring or scary, sometimes I am happy while I am running. It's like I am playing the chasing game and enjoying it. I am really confused about this dream and not sure does it really have a meaning or is it just my mind. Please can you advise me something about this dream?

Dreaming of being in Madina Munawwarah

Q: I had a dream in the early hours of Sunday morning. Now I am not sure if it was before or after fajr. I had this dream but most probably it was before fajr. I dreamt I was in the blessed lands of Madina and my mother gave me a Kithaab to leave in the haraam so that others may read from it and benefit. So after leaving the kitaab in the haram, I stayed for a while and whilst I was in the haram I stayed at the back walking around and all of a sudden I saw people running to a fountain which was on my extreme left and there was a lot of rain falling into this fountain so I also went and took some water from it and washed my face. Can Mufti saab please interpret this dream for me?

Fulfilling the rights of one's parents

Q: It was at my house and my parents where home. My father's mother was visiting us as my dad just had a heart attack so she came to check up on him and then I came home, and the next day all I can remember was my granny was laying in my arms and had past away. She stood up, said Salaams look after your father and then fell onto me. I woke up crying in my sleep. Could I please get the interpretation for the above dream?

Protection from black magic

Q: I saw a dream around 3 am. I saw that I am in a hospital to visit my relative who is very sick (he is very sick in reality). It's dark as if it's night time. The patient is sitting on a bench in a very serious condition. His family is sitting with him. As I went there for condolence, the patients wife was feeding her daughter. She asked me to have some of the food that she had with her. I refused, but she went on insisting therefore I took from her. It was a sweet paratha. I only had 2 bites from the paratha and then I stood up as if I wanted to leave now taking the paratha along with me. As I opened the door to leave, few barking wild dogs jumped over me. I felt that they want the paratha I was carrying, I just threw the paratha far and so all the dogs ran over to the paratha. I looked behind, they were tearing the paratha badly and I went away safely.

1: I want to know what this dream means?

2: Me and my family members are experiencing similar kind of dreams almost after every 2 to 4 days. Just before this one, my daughter saw a lizard in her dream that came along with the medicines prescribed by a doctor, as the lizard came out, I crushed it down my foot.

We are reciting four Quls and ayat al Kursi as per your suggestion from long as well as Manzil everyday. What shall we do and what does these dreams mean?

What to look for when choosing a life partner

Q: Last night, before going to sleep I asked Allah Ta'ala to show me if a certain girl will be good for me. I did not read istikhaara. I woke up for tahajjud with the fadhl and ihsaan of Allah Ta'ala then went to rest till fajr azaan. I dreamt of this girl, we were in a school class together and she was a few metres away from me. I remember saying something sweet to her about marrying her. After that, the teacher was showing us a certain really expensive ring that someone gave to him/her. It had like a gem with liquid inside and the teacher explained the value of it. A lady (mother of another classmate) walked into the class and was saying that she gave the ring. This lady thereafter started to belittle or insult this girl who I was interested in. Requesting Duas. Especially for a pious compatible spouse.

Seeing a dream after making istikhaara for marriage

Q: A person reading istikhaara salaah for marriage, had the following dream, that requires your interpretation. She was married previously and has two male children aged 13 and 9. In the dream there is a function in a house that she does not recognize. A person unknown to her is showing her around in this function she is dressed up. then her ex husband walks past her, but does not take notice of her. thereafter she beings to wonder who invited him to this function, and she goers to a room and cries. While in that room, her eldest son, comes and comforts her.

Reciting the three Quls and Aayatul Kursi after Salaah and before retiring to bed

Q: I have a question regarding dream interpretation and if so would anyone be able to guide me? My mother is 83 years old, she is of poor health having suffered brain hemorrhage and is on various medication including morphine. Over the last few months she has been having the same dream/nightmare/vision when she sleeps. The very first she described to me. Our home was under attack. She described a gang of Pakistani men entered the home and ransacked it. In the house were my brothers and none of my brothers could do anything. In the dream was my sister and I. The dream was so real for my mother that for few days she thought my sister was with us and continually asked if she was safe, if she was protected, that she could not see her in the house had she returned to her own home etc. The dreams effect of it being real lasted few days. Thereafter the dreams reoccurred. All similar. Pakistani men entering the home ransacking it, taking clothes jewellery etc. Again she thought all of it was real for few days. The dreams have become worse. Now Pakistani families enter the house. They bring with them their belongings and pots full of meat. She sees all of them eating both raw and cooked meat. Then ransacking the home. She thinks it is all real. She will then ask me to check that her clothes and jewellery are safe. She even says I hope no one gets ill after eating all the raw meat. These dreams are occurring everyday and night now. The latest dream she has had is the same. Pakistani families enter and ransack the home. They bring pots of meat and eat it raw and cooked. They steal everything, her bedroom is totally empty. The only difference this time is that in her dream she saw family members who have died appear. My brother (her eldest son), my father, my aunty, others, all come to visit us. And on hearing all these dead family members have come to our home we have relatives visit us to see them. And all this is happening while our home is being invaded by the Pakistanis. It is causing me great concern and I know it is effecting her, scaring her, making her more ill. All these dreams have the following in common- our home is ransacked by Pakistanis, they bring pots of meat and eat it raw and cooked, they steal all the jewellery and clothes, we are helpless to do anything. She thinks it is all happening for real and it affects her throughout day for few days. Please if anyone can advise me I would be grateful.