

Q: I saw a dream about a huge black and white dog twice behind a gate. What does it mean?


Q: In my dream my own sister brought sweets, drinks like sharbaad, food items to my home so what is behind it? Good or a bad sign?


Q: I saw a dream of my beloved sheikh that I was sitting with him in a tahajjud position and speaking to him. When I was about to leave sheikh seheb said you have not recited the 3 Quls to me for long so I said jee Hazrat and commenced the recitation of surah Ikhlas although I remember reciting it but in the dream sheikh seheb stoped me whether reciting the first ayat of surah falaq or whether having partially recited surah ikhlas I cannot recall. What is the interpretation of this dream?

Muslim woman marrying a non-Muslim

Q: I prayed istikhara with the intention for God to show me the right person who will be my future husband, i prayed istikhara the way it should be and add additional prayer that God should show me my future husband. After istikhara it was already in the night I went straight to my bed and sleep, I had a dream that I am married to a man, he was sitting on the side of the same bed with me while I was sleeping not close to him. I woke up from the sleep. Inside the dream of istikhara I saw blood on the bed sheet without having any sex in the dream and I was told in the dream that this is what I want to see. I repeat the samething several times I saw the samething and the man I saw is a Christain man that likes me. After all those istikhara I perform all my muslims boy friends live me without any problem, those that were asking me out are no more except this Christain man. i prayed another istikhara on him alone and uptill now we are still together. what did this mean please?


Q: I had a dream after istikhara and the man I saw in the dream is the one with me. The rest disappear without any notice. Please I want understand what this means?


Q: In the dream, I was in my drying room. There were many frogs and lizards of orange and white colors. They were like toffees, and they were shiny. They were more here and there, while I tried to kill them with my feet. They were quite large compared to normal frogs and lizards. In the dream I felt as if this is a punishment of Allah, as He punished the people of Firaun with frogs. This was my inner feeling in the dream.

Dreaming of dinosaurs

Q: I am recently having dreams of dinosaur attacking me. I am not watching any dinosaur movie or reading anything related to dinosaur. I first saw it  in the month of ramzan that I was in my neighbours house with my mom elder brother and 4th I am not able to remember but a big dinosaur was approaching us through the door so i locked the door from inside and kept silence we were hiding in the kitchen,after a while my mom wanted to go out but i was telling her no dinosaur is there and she wasn't listening,as she tried to open the door the dinosaur tried to pull so we came back and hid in the kitchen and then suddenly a very big dinosaur came it was big like Godzilla and he saw in the house and found nothing and was going away and we were watching it through a window and when it was almost gone my brother shouted my name to let know the dinosaur we are here and I don't know why my brother shouted my name,then the dinosaur came from back side near the window and from the 1st window he was trying to peep but my brother closed it in front of him and he did nothing so he came to the back window where i was there so i also closed the window but the window wasn't not fully closed because the lock wasn't there he saw it and tried to attack me so i ran and went out by opening the door and jumped from a common window outside house which was about 2 story high but still i jumped on a platform but missed it and nothing happened to me it a small place where people use throw waste but i saw it clean,after I jumped down small dinosaurs were running behind me to catch me,and i knew that a way is out but instead of running out i ran in and climbed in a space in the wall and tried to hide but dinosaur was approaching me to attack and suddenly i woke up.This whole dream i did not saw at one go,i was woke up 2-3 times for 3-5 minutes and it broke the dream but it still continued where i stopped.please tell me what is it i yesterday again saw dinosaur in my dream attacking my nephew,the son of my that brother whom I saw in dream.


Q: Few days ago I saw a dream that I wave my hand on my head and the hair becomes short. I repeat this and hair again becomes short. Then I think this will cut all my hair and I stop doing this. ( First dream ends )

Two days ago I saw a dream that I am with a friend on a bike (I am driving) and enter in a covered place like a railway station, long and having two different platforms parallel to each other with a separation in between them and tell my friend that this place belongs to me. while going I notice some sound. enter a room (I don’t remember that friend is with me yet or not) there is a pipe like tube-well but smaller than that and there is something like a black sieve on the opening of the pipe and chopped grass like that we feed to animals is coming out of the pipe. I see a lot of grass on the floor and switch off the pipe. then I see two buffaloes sitting parallel to each other. there is dry grass (like husk) in front of one and nothing in front of other. I think, the other should also be given fodder. So, I have a sack and put some grass for the other buffalo. the grass is full green. I think that I should mix the dry husk as well but I do not mix. Then it comes to my mind that some friend (not the one who was with me in the dream) has killed a person and the body is in the room nearby. I decide to go and see the body but then i am frightened and decide not to see and think that i am not responsible. I did not kill the person. These are two dreams. Can you please guide what they mean?

Dreaming about taking a loan

Q: Before I went to bed, I made dua to Allah Ta'ala to show me the way. I dreamt of taking loan and I did buy a parlor and when I woke up I got a letter for taking a loan for real. I live in Norway and I am in a situation where I live only from my pension. My husband don't want to buy anything for me or for the house, only food. He says if I take pension then I should buy everything without taking a single pound from him. My pension is not enough for me. Can the dream be a message from Allah Ta'ala to me that I can take a loan?