

Q: I made istikhara last night for something.I had a dream that I was looking for that thing like as if I was looking for something lost. Can you please tell me it's tabeer?


Q: I saw a dream around Fajr time. During the first part of the dream, I was in my car and I saw two dogs fighting and one dog killed and ate the other dog. Then the owner of the killed dog was complaining. During the second part of the dream, I was playing with a baby girl (around 4-5 years) and we both looked happy. But then she disappeared and I was worried and was trying to find her back.


Q: I slept after tuhajad and fajar and had the following dream. Please can you guide me to its meaning. I am in my parents old house and I am on the phone to a man trying to fix the tv. It seems he is trying to say to me that The TV is broken and give me instructions in buying a new one but the phone line is really bad and I can not hear him properly. In the same room is another man he is fixing something else for my dad. I get of the phone and I ask the man about the TV I was thinking of and say do you think we could fix it on the wall, he says yes that will be easy. I then go In to The kitchen as I have a gathering of sisters at my house (in real life these sisters are sisters I recently stayed with at an Islamic halaqa) it is as if an Islamic gathering is happening at my house and I need to arrange for the sisters breakfasts. I ask my sister in law to help me, two of the other sisters come I try to help me I tell them To go down stairs as they helped a lot last time and now it's my turn. Along with my sister in law 2 family friends also help out. I look by the cooker and my sister in law has already put some Eggs in a pan and water to boil, I have some long soft pieces of bread rolls (which I think are slightly sweet), I go to boil some milk, the first pan I take out to put the milk in is broken so I take another and wonder if it will be big enough. I also open a cupboard and and their are lot of red boxes of Indian sweets stacked up in the cupboard. Some are open and some are not. I take 2 of the open ones to take to the sisters one has jelebi in it (a orange fried batter which is then covered with sweet syrup). The other box has barfi in it (a sweet dish made from milk powder and sugar). Their is my friends cat walking through the kitchen I stroke it and then it goes to eat its food. One of the sister from the last halaqa arrives in the kitchen she is in her early 40s and unmarried it is as if in the dream I understand that she has met someone to marry and I am very happy.


Q: I had a dream that had the meaning that I was considered pious. Ever since then when ever I do Murakaba and claim "I'm not pious" I get that bump feeling in my heart as if I sinned (I'm confused if it's still OK to do so or if I'm committing disbelief on a legit dream interpretation). Whenever I just jump to the thought "I don't consider yourself pious". I don't get that bump feeling. Can you please explain?


Q: I saw cluster of stars, stars were gathering in the sky and a light green colour was there in the sky? Tell me the interpretation please.


Q: I saw a dream in which I was reading the holy Quraan and it felt like I was reading Surah Kahf, I am not sure. What does this dream mean?


Q: I had a dream before I woke up for fajar. In the first part I see myself in a black abaya and a black bandana type scarf covering my hair. I am at some family friends house (in real life we are not very close with them and have not seen them for years). I am then with my family including my grandad (who passed away some years ago) he is looking well and as I remember him when he was alive. We are walking through a underground tunnel towards a shopping mall. We worry that the walk for my grandad to the shops might be long for him so me and my dad help him he keeps on saying he is ok but at one point he gets a little out of breath but he is smiling so I say to him it's ok I will wait and we can take it slowly. We get to the shopping mall and one of my aunts (in real like she is very ill and can not walk that much unaided) she is walking normally and says she needs to do some of her own chores and she will see us later. After some time I see my aunt it is as if she has done her shopping. So I call her to say we are here, she joins us again. We are walking through the home showroom and with us is my aunts husband and aunts grandson who died a few years ago, after a while the grandson disappears and I am walking through the shops with my aunt and uncle we are having fun, laugh and joking.


Q: I had a dream before my fajar salaah I am in a clothes shop looking around, I go to the jewellery area there is a man with his son looking he sees something he likes and goes to ask his wife if she wants it. I look at what jewellery they have, most is silver I try on a ring which is very large in design and size as it does not fit me so I leave it. I then look at the clothes most of them are long dresses which are very modest the colours are bright (I remember yellow, blue, pink) I see a pink dress which is reasonably priced and I like the design. I think I will look around and then maybe come back for it. I do not like anything else and think I will buy the pink dress. I go back to where I saw it and can not find it. I go to another place where I have seen it and can not see it there either. I then ask one of the workers at the shop she says they only had one left so if it's gone it gone. I remember there was a large Hindu family buying lots of clothes and think they must have brought it. I then change to a few days weeks later and I get a phone call saying that the dress is back in stock the person who brought it didn't like it so they gave it back after a week. I see a picture of the woman who brought it back with the dress on and it confirms that it was the Hindu family who brought it. I wonder if I want the dress now as it maybe dirty as I don't know how much she may have warn it. I think I decided against buying the dress but I can not remember as I wake up at this point.


Q: My teachers wife saw this dream. He wanted to ask the interpretation.

DREAM: I saw a dream that there is a very very pious n famous couple living in a old age village they are so well known that every body respects them a lot. They have clay pots business in their own place where they have a three story old clay house but all the stories are basements like first story is where they have pot business like ground floor second story which is under ground 1st basement where they have tasbeeh, jayenamaz and Islamic stuff to sell and third story which is 2nd basement is empty but the owner couple want to be buried after death. Our kids were not in there I saw only my husband with me. So we were at the 1st basement where there were Islamic stuff and we are talking and walking in different lines and suddenly people started to say Hazrat jibreel (Alayhis Salaam) is about to come. We were so amazed. I was expecting like a huge height and built personality person will come but very reasonable with small beard person appears and he started to come toward us. Mean-while I was thinking different things back of my mind like how he delivers wahi and stuff. My Husband shook his hand and he said something about my hairs which is like I should have black hairs. (Currently I'm used to wear hijab on my head in real) we and him both were in good feeling like he was not angry or rude. He was with a little smile on his face and we were also so happy and thankful to meet him. Kindly tell me the meaning of this dream.