

Q: A student's letter to his Ustaad is being circulated which states that the student saw in his dream his Darul Uloom teacher is giving dars and Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) was present. This message is now doing the rounds on social media. 1. What weight should be attached to such dreams? 2. Does it indicate basharat? 3. Should these dreams be circulated?


Q: Please can you provide me with some clarification and meaning to the below dream.

I had a dream while I was still married that I have just given birth to a baby girl. I come home to my parents and see my husband has taken my daughter. I start to cry and say to my parents I must go back to him as they have taken my baby.


Q: Please can you inform me of the meaning of the below dream I had.

I am at my house and I look out my door and see a great gathering outside my ex husbands relatives house. It is as if someone has died but everyone is dressed in wedding clothes and the atmosphere is like a wedding. I see one of my cousins also coming out the house and she is dressed in beautiful clothes. I am then called inside and see my dad in the bathroom, my baby niece is in the bathtub (she looks like she is only a few weeks old) I start to cry as I realise my niece has died in the bath tub.


Q: I had this before fajar. I saw in the dream that while me and my ex husband were separated he had out of marriage relations with an immoral woman (like a prostitute) and from that there was a baby boy born. The lady left the baby with my ex husband. I am walking down a street thinking if we were still together would I have been able to deal with the baby and that my husband must be happy raising him on his own.


Q: I saw a dream and I want an interpretation of my dream. I saw that I have twin baby boys and I am feeding them one by one and I was so happy , and was telling my cousin that I prayed to Allah and Allah accepted my prayers of twin baby boys and she had a baby girl while holding her baby girl I was telling her all. In real she is married and has no kids yet while I'm not married.


Q: I had a dream where I see my self completely naked at my parents house, I fear my ex husbands brother is coming around to our house so I try to conceal myself with a cushion but can this see this will not work. I am next in my childhood home with all my in laws, including my ex husbands farther who has passed away. My mother in law in laying in bed with a doubt covering her. I hide myself in the duvet so no one sees I have no clothes. My mother in law then gets up and I mange to get a orange and brown long dress and put it on. No one sees me naked. Please guide me on its meaning.


Q: I had the following dream. Please can you guide me on its meaning. I am driving and can not find my way, I am lost and keep stopping to look at the map. May Allah reward you for your good work.


Q: My dream is below. Please can you let me know the meaning.

I am out with my family and we need to get to a place I look at the path to getting there and it is very muddy but when we start to walk on the path it is ok and not that muddy. We get to where we want. Inside we start to have lunch. My sister in law has made rice. I look around at things in the shop and in a basket I find a bundle of money as notes. I think it is a lot and keep it. My brother then tells me off for using the battery on his phone and I give him one note from the bundle.


Q: I had a dream please can you guide me on its meaning. I am going to a gift shop somewhere with my family. At the entrance is the owner and his black dog. The dog is very excited and jumps on people, playing with them and being friendly. My sister in Law and I get scared of the dog and we don't want him to come near us. My sister in law runs into the shop, I then also run but the dog runs between my legs and then stands with his front paw on my shoulders, he is not being harmful but I am scared and want him to get off and go away.


Q: I had a dream please can you tell me the meaning:

I am ill (with flu) I go to my ex husbands house and lay in bed telling him I am not feeling well so will not be coming down. One of my brothers comes in and he notices one of the bed lights it broken and try's to fix it but can't. The scene changes and I am sat in my living room with my parents and sister in law who is asking my mum about my divorce. My sister in law says whatever happened he was a good man. I wonder how she knows.