

Q: I was sleeping on the right hand side, about 1am I felt someone standing behind me. The fan was on. it just went off. The person clasped my right hand tight on my wrist, it looked like my deceased fathers hand. So I called out is that you papa. There was no reply. Then he said come my son twice and thereafter he said, we all waiting for you. He released me and when I turned around he vanished. So I carried on walking and I met my first cousin deceased, so I relayed my story and his answer was please read all your salaahs and do good things for your akhira. I went on and I met another cousin [living], I related and he gave me the same story. I walked on and I met my deceased brother. I related and the same answer was given. Please if you could interpret this dream for me. My next question, I dreamt of of our beloved Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam).


Q: My family had a dream last night that she saw 3 lions walking outside her previous house where she used to stay with her parents and aunts and one of the lions was outside their house banging the door and clawing at it trying to come inside and all the family are frightened and they are all hiding in their rooms and the other 2 lions are going for other houses but the lion doesn't enter. My family said she saw this type of dream a few times before in our previous house and now again she saw this dream last night. Can mufti Saab please explain the meaning of this dream?


Q: I had two dreams of a tsunami. Dream 1: I was by my grand mothers house and my parents had to go and drop of two parcels in Isipingo Beach. My house is down the road from my grandmother's house. I wanted to go home and I saw the tsunami. The tsunami was covering the whole of Isipingo beach and it was till my house in Isipingo hills. Lucky it was not covering my house. I went to my grandmother's house screaming for help and we all read Surah Yaseen. After 1 hour the tsunami cleared up without causing damage!

Dream 2: Somehow, the weather changed and everything was dull. I ran to my grandmother's house and found my parents leaving to go to my house. I jumped in with them and as we were going down the road, I noticed that Isipingo Beach was covered with rough waves and again the tsunami was covering Isipingo Beach and was till Isipingo Hills. The tsunami stopped exactly by my house and soon the waves calmed down and Isipingo Beach was no longer under water. This time it washed away houses and everyone Isipingo Beach passed away!


Q: My father saw a dream in which his friend (marhoom) told my father that you only have three days left. Please interpret this dream for me.


Q: My mum recently dreamt of an old woman who is the neighbour and is currently very very ill. In the dream my mum visits her and this lady touches my mums throat and passes on. The daughter then says look she wanted to pass on for so long she was waiting for you to come because you always came so often when you were younger. Can you please interpret this?


Q: Please can you help me understand a dream. I often see myself in a Masjid, in one dream I was in the masjid wearing a white burkah stood up reciting the Quraan. In another dream I happened to find myself and members of my family in the masjid, I see musalla carpets nobody around, I look around me to establish which way qiblah is. I say it's this way look at the musalla then I say lets pray 2 rakaats salah. I then find myself in a croweded part of the masjid looking for space to pray. I say to a couple of ladies look over there at the front there's space come on. I see myself in a corner praying as if I am leading the salaah for these two women and as I go down for sajdah to put my forehead down I feel a step making my forehead stummble I see myself getting back up to tashahhud position again. The masjid is very similir in both dreams, red carpet musallah like what we see in Haram and dark wood panels part of the lower walls and wooden railings. A bit like the interior of the blue Mosque in Turkey.


Q: My husband passed away 6 months ago and I have recurring dreams of him just before his passing he was calling out to me as he was in hospital I could not be there. The dreams I have are so real sometimes its like he is in the room with me and other times I see him in places I don't recognize. This is so frightening please help me shukran.


Q: Last night I had a dream regarding my mother who as mufti Saheb already knows has been bedridden and sick for 5 years now. I had a dream that their were sick 2 lions that were lying in her bed but they did not harm her in any way and she also did not seem to be too worried about the lions being so close to her. One of the lions was growling at me when I approached. Please can mufti Saheb tell me If this dream could have any significance?


Q: I would like to know the interpretation of the following dream. I saw a close friend of mine which was not in purdah wearing purdah. No conversation took place between us and it was a short while that I saw her. Thereafter I woke up!


Q: My husband keeps dreaming of a local pious old man who enters his dreams and asks him to come see him! My husband has been but the man said nothing to him! This old man is known for doing dhum and has taught children Islam for many years.