Performing Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah after Shaving the Head
Q: Is it waajib for a haaji to perform the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah after shaving his head?
Q: Is it waajib for a haaji to perform the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah after shaving his head?
Q: Is it permissible to perform tawaaf on a wheelchair despite being able to walk?
Q: I made Hajj and on the 10th I did the rami and then shaved my hair and took off my ihraam towels and used itr etc. After that I did my Tawaaf ziyaarat and then did saee. The Tawaaf ziyaarat and saee I did in normal clothes because I had taken off my ihraam. Now someone says that it is not permissible to do saee without Ihraam towels. Is this correct?
Is it permissible to do Tawaaf ziyaarat and saee without Ihraam towels? I did ifrad Hajj and did the same after Tawaaf ziyaarat.
Q: If we are doing hajj al tamattu - we perform umrah when Zul Hijjah starts and then remove ihraam and then wear ihraam again and go to Mina.
1. In tawaf e ziyarat, do we need to perform saee again?
2. Is tawaf e wida after 3 days of rami compulsory?
Q: If a person performed tawaf e ziyarat, and then he went back to his home country and he realized that his wudhu was broken because of blood/puss coming out from an old ear infection. Is it obligatory or not to repeat the tawaf-e-ziyarat?
If the person did not repeat tawaf e ziyarat with wudhu, and also did not pay damm/fadiya for this penalty, is this tawaf e ziyarat accepted for Hajj? Is the Hajj valid because there are three obligatory acts (فرض) in Hajj, Niyah/Niyat, Arafat and tawaf-e-ziyarat.
Q: A woman performed the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah in the state of haidh. If she repeats the Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah after becoming pure, will the damm fall off?
Q: Is the following correct?
A woman came for Hajj and got her period after she entered ihaam. Her mahram had to leave straightaway and she has no one else in Makkah. What is the ruling?
She should travel with him and remain in ihraam, then she should come back when she has become pure. This applies if she lives in the land of the Two Holy Places, because it is easy to come back and does not involve a great deal of trouble or need a passport etc. But if she is a foreigner and it is difficult for her to come back, then she should tie a piece of cloth over her private part (so that no blood will leak and contaminate the Mosque), and do tawaaf and saa’i, and cut her hair, and end her ‘Umrah on the same journey, because in this case her tawaaf has become necessary, and in cases of necessity things that are ordinarily forbidden are allowed. But she does not have to do tawaaf al-wadaa’ (farewell tawaaf), because menstruating women do not have to do the farewell tawaaf, because of the hadeeth of Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him), that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told the people that the last thing they should do in Makkah was to circumambulate the Ka’bah, but he exempted menstruating women.
Q: What is the Shar’ee ruling if a person had performed Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah or tawaaf of umrah without wudhu?
Q: A person delayed doing his tawaaf-e-ziyarah till the last few hours before sunset on the 12th Zul Hijjah. Whilst proceeding from Mina to complete the tawaf-e-ziyaarah, the police prevented him from proceeding to makkah. He attempted going through the police blockade a few times but to no avail. The time period prescribed to complete the tawaaf-e-ziyaarh thus elapsed (i.e. sunset on the 12th Zul Hijjah). Will damm be wajib on him ?
Q: A woman is experiencing her haidh and needs to perform her Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah, but she will only become clean from her haidh after the date of her return flight. Since her flight is already booked, can she perform her Tawaaf-e-Ziyaarah in haidh and give damm?