Premarital relationships


Q: I have a problem and it's hard. I really can not handle this feeling anymore. I really try to focus on salaat and dikr. But it is not enough. I have no one to talk to besides Allah Ta'ala. I want to get married and I even tried muslim dating sites. After some emails I met someone he told me that he wants to come home. I told my mother after couple days. He said I could never be his wife but he liked me and he wanted to date me more. I didn't do anything with him so I got scared and broke the contact with him. It was the little hope I had that was destroyed and I feel angry and sad and stupid. My father is in bad health he can't search for me and my brothers also can't because they dont have the time. So I am forced (thats what i feel) to date men only with the intention to get married. But they want other things and I can't do that. Am I weird not wanting sex. They call me old fashioned And they say they dont trust me because I am almost 31. I just can't take this anymore. I don't have someone I can ask for advise. Please give me yours. I don't want anything just some advice because I don't know why I am here and why I feel so much pain. It really kills me inside. I want to end this. I know these days are hard to do things in a halaal way but when halaal is really hard I am afraid I will do haraam.

Premarital relationships

Q: I am a divorced woman. My question is about courting in Islam. What is the steps one should follow when considering courting? I want to follow a correct procedure as when I got married before, my father did not allow any courting. Should the guy want to see me he was to come home, as a result I barely knew him and ended up abused and divorced a year later. Please advise.

Premarital relationship

Q: I hope you are doing great. I am a 24 year old boy. I am in this haraam relationship with a girl for more than 5 years now. I have tried many times to end this relationship but every time I end up going back to it. This relationship is effecting me in every bad way. Wasting my time on phone, chatting, sending pictures and what not. Lately I am so immersed in this that I do nothing without wasting time with her. I have no feelings while praying or studying. I only think of her. Please pray for me and suggest me how can I end this Haram relationship?

Premarital relationship

Q: I had been engaged for one year and I just talked to my fiancee on mobile and crossed every limit on mobile. She left me after one year and got married immediately to her bhaabi's brother. I saw her after her marriage, she came before me on my call in front of her family. She said that she told her parents that she did not agree to the engagement but her mother said she is lying and her bhaabi had put black magic on her. I am very much confused and upset and can't forget the talks we had. I just want to know that

1. Did she really love that boy?

2. Maybe she loved that boy and me as well but she left me because of my behaviour or may be she and that boy had something between them.

3. I also want to apologise to her in front of her family as well.

Premarital relationship

Q: I had been engaged for one year and I just talked to my fiancee on mobile and crossed every limit on mobile. She left me after one year and immediately married  her bhabi's brother . I saw her after her marriage, she came before me on call in front of her family. She said that she told her parents that she did not agree to the engagement but her mother said she is lying and her bhaabi had done black magic on her. I am very confused and upset and can't forget the talks and her.

Premarital relationship

Q: I want to ask a question about dating in Islam. I am dating a guy whom I love so dearly,we both want to get married in the future but there is a deep urge within me to be just a pious Muslim and stop all the bad things I am doing. So what I really want to know is if he and I repent to Allah and try to get engaged in the Islamic way, will Allah forgive us and accept our marriage as a lawful one in Islam. We both are pursuing our bachelor's degree and we want to wait until after that. I have been seeking answers for the past few weeks but a friend told me that the likelihood of Allah forgiving you of a sin you know is bad and still do is 0.1. So I am confused, I really need help.