Premarital relationships

Feelings from Shaitaan

Q: This may seem like a silly question, but this has seriously been bothering me for a very long time. A few years ago I fell in love with a girl, and then ended up finding out she lives very far away and my chances of marrying her are very slim. But every time I'm finally able to let go of most of my feelings for her, something happens that pulls her back into my heart. I've suffered alot of painful heartbreak in matters regarding her, but sometimes I feel like Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) is keeping her in my heart because she is meant for me. I've even had alot of dreams about me and her being happy with each other, laughing, and having a good time with our families around us. This makes me think those dreams are glad tidings from Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) that she is meant for me. Even my friend told me once that he had a dream where he saw me and her together. Can you please tell me what I should do to heal myself from all this, so I can finally be at peace? I find it very hard to forget her unless I'm absolutely sure she's not meant to be mine.

Premarital relationship

Q: I have met a Christian friend over Facebook 3 years ago and we are now close friends, even best friends. I have tried to convince him to become a Muslim but no results. I am a girl and Muslim and my friend is a boy and Christian. Isn't this haram?

Premarital relationship

Q: I am studying architecture 3rd year. I am 22 years old. I like a boy who is 3 years younger than me, he is still studying mechanical engineering and is in 2nd year. We both will be completing after 2 years. I spoke about that boy to my mom and she didnt even consider it as his family belongs to a middle class or does not stand with our family status. She strictly rejected it as he is also 3 years younger than me. He is a well mannered person and his character is good as well. I feel that this is more than enough to consider in spouse rather than wealth and family background. I feel that there is no such restriction in Islam when it comes to the age of marrying and moreover our Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) was 25 years when he got married to Hazrat Khadijah. I said that I will complete my studies and by that time he will be completing his engineering as well and we both looking forward to getting married. My parents are not listening to my wish and are forcing me to marry someone of their choice. Because of all these issues in my home, I am unable to concentrate on my studies. Please help me in resolving this matter. 

Concealing the faults of others

Q: I have been stressing myself out on my wife's past. I am about to get married next month and I have been engaged with my fiance for 8 months. I have never asked about her past and I know she had a relationship with a guy for 3 years until I came. I knew this from the beginning. I love her so much she is my first love and love of my life. I have been in love with her for 7 years. She was in my school. Just recently when I asked her that if she has ever done anything related to sex with her boyfriend she said no and swear ALLAH (Ta'ala) but when I talked to her about other girls why do they do or cross prescribed boundary of Islam with their boyfriends without even knowing that if they really going to get together and be married couple in future, she started to act weird and confused. So I finally asked her again that if she has ever done anything with him and this time I asked her to swear her on her deceased mother and she finally confronted that she has kissed him four times or more but nothing happened after or passed that limit. I asked her again if she is telling me the truth and only you have done kissing with him nothing more intimate, she said I swear I was worried that we are going to get married after a month and I hid it because it would harm our marriage. So my question is should I trust her and keep her and take her words? Because she lied to me with the oath of Allah Ta'ala. I know her that she is not lying that she hasn't done anything other than kissing but my male ego is bothering me. I try to forgive her but after some hours I get mad and emotional again. I am really confused that should I trust what she is saying or not. Should I keep her or not. Please help me with this.


Q: Please tell me the method of istakhara for love and arranged marraige and can anyone else do this type of istakhara for me?

Being attracted to a girl

Q: I like a girl who is 17 years old and my age is 19 years. We both are classmates. I Would like to marry her. But I am not independent because I am still studying. And she also wants to study. I told her I will approach your guardian as soon as I finish my engineering. The problem is that her guardian is  hurrying for her marrage. And alhamdillah she has very good deen and taqwa. But when I said to her I want to marry, she said my guardian will do my marriage quickly. And alhamdillah we only used to talk. We never met alone. But now what should I do? Shall I say to her guardian that I will marry her after 3 years or as soon as I get independent? What should I do? She is telling me that bring your proposal before I get married. I don't want to show that I did love marriage. Pretend as if you didn't even know me before. Now what should I do?

Getting married after being involved in premarital affairs

Q: I'm 27 years old. I'm basically from India and working in this country. My family has arranged a girl for me who is a local Muslim girl born in this country and she's 19 years old. I went to see her few days ago and it seems like both of us are interested in each-other. The families are happy too. Now what's bothering me about her is when I ask her about her past life, she said she has been in a relationships few times. And she did sleep once with a guy. (which I appreciate that she didn't lie or hide) Now after knowing that I'm like almost heartbroken. I also had couple of relationships and I was also engaged in all those haraam acts which I regret now to the core of my heart but I never had sex which I told her. I often watch porn and masturbate. And I only had oral sex. Please help me out. Are we both in a same boat? are we equal sinners? Should I go for her? I have seen she's really sorry about her act. And she's Willing to change.