
Giving one's inheritance to one's adopted child

Q: If a man has no children, can he allot all his inheritance to his one adopted child?

If a man has no children but has nieces and nephews, so he adopts a baby. Now, he has some inheritance on his name also. Their child, being a female got married. And now the man is willing to transfer the inheritance to his child completely as his brothers didn’t help him even a little in building the inheritance nor did the nephews and nieces. But the man had heard that inheritance could not be transferred to the adopted child. So, is there any possibility that the man can inherit all his property to his only adopted child legally by Islam, or if not then is it possible for the man to sell all the property to the child’s husband and the child’s husband then shifts the property to the man’s child name? Please help me in this regard. 

Using Smart Shopper points


1. Is loyalty points and the money attained by means of this permissible? Example: Smart Shopper points.

2. Also, if a person works for a company who reimburses him for his travel, will it be permissible to fill up at a garage which gives him points for his petrol.

Taking back a gift

Q: Mufti Saheb, could you please explain to me in which situation is it permissible for a person to take back a gift and in which situation is it not permissible? Is it makrooh-e-tahreemi to take back a gift which one had gifted someone or makrooh-e-tanzeehi?

Similarly, if a person gifted a family member, is there any difference in the sharee ruling if one wishes to take back the gift?

Supposing, someone had taken back the gift from a non-relative or relative against their consent and happiness, what are the deeni consequences? Will the item return to one’s ownership and will it be permissible for one to use the item?

I am a student in madrasah and would appreciate if you could provide me with the full details around this masalah.

Gifting during one's lifetime

Q: I have three brothers and two sisters. My dad built some houses. Whilst alive my dad said that these houses are for my younger two children. He had an intention to build houses for my older brothers, but before he could, he died.

My question is, will the first set of houses go to the younger children or will they be shared between all the brothers and sisters?