Taubah and Repentance

Making taubah from sharing animate pictures on whatsapp

Q: I shared a pic on whatsapp on which a girls picture was printed and on the bottom it was stated that it is Yahodi sazish. So one member informed me that it was wrong, so I deleted it and sent a message not to share it because it will give me gunah. I tried to message my groups and tell them not share it. If they share it then it is not my responsibility of gaining sin or gunah. I want to ask you that if anyone shares it, will I be sinful because I tried to stop it?

Love spells

Q: I am 15 years old but I was misguided and tried a few love chant spells that didn't work. What can I do to ask for forgiveness and do I need to revert as its shirk. The thing is I am only 15 years old so will it not be as punishable?

Repenting from homosexuality

Q: My best friend commited a major sin, he committed homosexuality. I told him that it’s a very big sin and Allah punished the people of Lut (alaihis salaam) for this sin. I told him that he needs to repent and turn back to Allah. My question is, does Allah forgive homosexuality?

Repentance from major sins


1. Would Allah accept salah of a person who commits major sins?

2. Would Allah accept salah of a person who gives and recieves interest (ribaa)?

3. Would Allah accept good deeds like salah of a person whose in debt?

4. Is it true if you miss 3 jummah(Friday salah) you lose your religion?

5. Does Allah accept repentance from a person who doesn't pray salah?

Refusing to forgive someone

Q: If you do bad to someone and then you realize that you are being punished and if you ask forgivenss, the other person refuses to forgive you and say that he will take revenge on the day of judgement then what should we do? I feel sorry for what I did and have asked for tauba alot.

Repentance and tawbah

Q: I do pray obligatory prayers and two rakaats of nafl in the end of each obligatory prayer every single day. How else should I make tawba? Please guide me with more ways to repent to Allah Ta'ala and what are the duas asked for forgiveness from Allah Ta'ala.