
Learning and understanding the Quraan

Q: I know that being a Hafiz-e-Quran has virtues, and there is a sahih hadith that says their parents will be crowned on the day of judgement. There is also a weak hadith that mentions they will intercede for ten relatives on the Day of Qiyamah. Despite this hadith being weak, Ulama have said that a Hafiz-e-Quran still has virtues and might intercede and they will go to Jannatul Firdaus.

I want to do hifz because I want Jannatul Firdaus, but I am 26 and struggle to memorize things. It is also very challenging to do hifz in today's busy schedule, where we work 9 to 5 or run businesses, and also have to pray five times a day and give time to family. In this case, what if we don't do hifz but instead learn essential Quranic Arabic words and grammar to understand the Qur'an in Arabic, and study reliable tafsir under a scholar like Tafsir Ibn Kathir or Bayan ul Quran?

Who has more virtues: a Hafiz-e-Quran or a person who is a non aalim but understands the Qur'an, knows what is written in it, is familiar with the seerah of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam), and the stories of all the Prophets (qasas ul ambiyaa), and many other things? Can such a person who is not aalim and Hafiz but has the above mentioned knowledge go to Jannatul Firdaus and have virtues equal to a Hafiz-e-Quran or less or more? 

End of the year khatams and jalsahs

Q: This time of the year sees many people completing Hifz and other courses. People are holding functions (jalsahs) at halls and other venues inviting family and friends. Often the number of people invited are over 200 and 300 people. 5 course meals are served and alot of expense is incurred in feeding people as well as decor and gifts. The men and women are often separated. Is there any Islamic/Sunnah practice regarding holding such events?

Also, is it permissable to attend such functions and accept the invitation?

Instilling love for the Quraan in the heart of one's child

Q: My husband and I have been blessed with a baby alhamdulillah. We would like the baby to have finished memorising the Quraan by an early age if Allah wills.

What steps can we take to ensure that the child can begin learning and memorising from an early age? What brain foods would also be good for the child and mother as I’m nursing currently.

Sunnah method of teaching the Quraan

Q: Is it a sunnah method of teaching the Quraan to hit the student when they do not know their work? I know Islam advocates hitting the child for missing salaah after 10 years and to spare the rod is to spoil the child, but is it the way of the sunnah and the Sahaabah to hit the student for making mistakes while learning the Quraan?

Memorizing a Surah and imagining one is reciting it in front of people

Q: Someone is trying to memorize Surah Yaseen and recite it like Omar Hisham al Arabi. But when she try's to recite it, she imagines that shes doing it in front of people and imagines that she will recite to others later. She feels sad thinking that she can't focus on the fact that it should be only for Allah.

Should she stop memorizing? Should she take an oath that she will never recite "like that" in front of people? She also thought that she would recite beautifuly like that in front of her future husband. Is there any duaa for this?