Men wearing fitness rings
Q: Can men wear fitness rings which is made of material Titanium?
Q: Can men wear fitness rings which is made of material Titanium?
Q: Is there any Hadith regarding men wearing rings in different fingers of the hand?
Is it only recommended or essential to follow it?
Q: Can I wear a necklace containing a knife for self defense?
Q: Is it permissible for a baaligh woman to wear gold and silver plated jewellery?
Q: Are men allowed to wear white gold ring. It's my nikah time coming up soon and I know we cannot wear gold. I'm sure this applies to white gold as well but just need a mufti to clarify.
Q: Can a man wear a ring which is made of pure silver, but is plated with rhodium (another metal)?
Q: Are we permitted to wear the four-leaf clover bracelet/jewellery?
Q: I know that it is permissible for a man to wear silver, but is it permissible for a man to wear a silver bracelet?
Q: Is it permissible for women to wear sterling silver rings?
Q: Is it permissible to wear earrings that are not made of pure gold or silver?