
Responding to the call of Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) even if one was engaged in Salaah

Q: A family member recently heard a lecture in which the speaker made a comment that if you do not think of nabi salaalaahu alaihi wa sallam in your namaaz, your namaaz is invalid. The speaker furhter presented a hadith as his proof in which he only mentioned that a sahaabi was performing namaaz when Nabi (Alaihis Salaam) called him and he failed to reply.

Is there any such hadeeth, if yes, what is the complete hadith with the explanation?

The Hadith of missing salaah

Q: I saw the following two hadith:

Our Nabi (Sallallaahu Alayhi wa-Sallam) said: "Do not forgo Salaah intentionally, lest you should get out of the fold of Islam. Do not perpetrate disobedience to Allah, lest you deserve His Wrath."

Rasulullah (Sallallaahu 'alayhi wa-Sallam) also said: "The dividing line between kufr and Imaan is Salaah." And : "A person who has missed one Salaah is like one who has lost all his family and wealth."

  1. A person who misses salaah in its time but reads it later does he lose his imaan?
  2. Is he still a muslim?

The Hadith of a married person receiving extra reward

Q: A local Aalim in our area said - " Married person will get more reward for all the Islamic activities like - Salaah, Dhikir, Going out in the path of Allah etc. than the unmarried person .... "

Is that true? Is there any references for that kind of Reward for Married person in Qur'an and Authentic or any Weak Hadiths? That Aalim gave a reference like - "whoever gets married, he/she completes the Half of Deen" ... Can this be a reference for the mentioned issue? What does it mean actually? Should a male/female get married soon to receive more rewards for his/her prayers? Or, it has no validity in Islam in the light of Qur'an and Hadiths?