Sunnah clothes to wear when one sleeps
Q: For men and women, what is the appropriate and sunnah clothes to wear when one sleeps? Should the satr be covered when sleeping or can a man sleep with a t-shirt and shorts for example?
Q: For men and women, what is the appropriate and sunnah clothes to wear when one sleeps? Should the satr be covered when sleeping or can a man sleep with a t-shirt and shorts for example?
Q: Please can you advise on the permissibility of wearing the England football shirt? Unfortunately many brothers have taken to not only wearing this, but also displaying the England flag on their houses during football matches. They also do this with the Union Jack flag during the Olympics/for celebration of the queens milestones (e.g. jubilee celebration).
The arguments put forth by these individuals are that the cross symbol is no longer solely representative of the Christian faith and identity as it is used more widely nowadays to represent other things and doesn’t just signify one is a Christian. As an example, they say that just because isis used the seal of the prophet Muhammad ﷺ does that mean everyone who uses the seal of the Prophet ﷺ follows isis? They also say that as wearing a necktie was once associated with the cross but no longer is today, in the same vein, wearing the St. George’s Cross of England flag no longer represents Christianity.
Please can you provide us with a clear cut answer as the brothers are unsure how to respond to some of these shubuhat.
Q: I would like to know the permissibilty of wearing clothes with animal pictures. For example, a crocodile picture but the picture does not have eyes.
Also, I would like to know the permissibilty of wearing such clothes and reading salaah. If we wear a kurta over it and read salaah, will the salaah be valid?
Q: Is there a masnoon dua to recite when wearing shoes?
Q: I have these shoes that say Air Max on them. I feared at one point that the way it was written, it could be that it looked like the way if one wrote لله
If I wore these what would be the ruling? What if I wasn’t sure and wore them intending no disrespect. Also, what if I thought they didn’t intend to write that and I would leave the shoes in the bottom of a shoe shelf on top of other shoes?
Q: I have come across the fatwa on Nike. I have 3 questions:
1. Is the swoosh also impermissible?
2. If a person wears Nike, will he be commiting kufr?
3. What should I do with my Nike clothing?
Q: I recently came across a social media message stating that the wearing of rainbow-colored clothing is impermissible. The reason stated was that the rainbow colors are synonymous with the LGBTQ movement. Is this correct or is the wearing of such clothing permissible?
Q: My children are attending a school and the school rule is to have the emblem on the kurta. The emblem has a picture of the Ka'bah. Is this permissible?
Q: Can we use artificial eye lenses?
Q: Is there anything wrong with leaving babys clothes to dry outside overnight?