Accepting Islam to marry a woman
Q: If a man is ready to accept Islam for a Muslim woman, is she allowed to marry him? Or should she force him to accept Islam for Allah, not for her?
Q: If a man is ready to accept Islam for a Muslim woman, is she allowed to marry him? Or should she force him to accept Islam for Allah, not for her?
Q: If a person says "asul" (اسُولُ) instead of "rasul" (رَسُولُ) when trying to recite the shahaadah, has he changed the meaning of the whole sentence to the point of uttering a word of kufr?
Q: I reverted to Islam around 2 and a half years ago alhamdulillah but only my mother and a few people know about it and they dont approve at all. I've prayed and made dua for them to finally accept it and allow me to be Muslim but it hasn't worked. I cant pray, read the Quraan, or eat what I'm supposed to so I dont know what to do or how to have Allah to help me.
Does this mean it's not meant to be or am I doing something wrong? Is there a specific dua I can make to get help?
Q: If a person reverts to Islam, is it compulsory for them to change their name on their ID to their new Islamic name?
Q: I'm a Jew from Israel. I want to take shahaadah.
Q: I want to know what will be the fate of the people who didn't get the message of Islam i.e. Sentinelese people or Otger Amazonean tribes? Will they be punished like other kaafirs? In which category do they belong to, Muslims or infidels/refuters of Allah and His Messengers? Kindly share the Islamic way of thinking about it.
Q: Can a person be reborn again?
Q: Surprisingly, once I was prostrated to by one of my son's Hindu friends as respect since his father is dead. I stopped him at once. Will I have to repent now or anything?
Q: What is the condition of a person who says that the kalimah is just 'la ilaaha illallah"?
1. What is the abbreviation of Islam.
2 Who is our Prophet? Who created us? And what is our identity?