Wetting the miswaak before using it while fasting
Q: Is it permissible to wet the miswak before using it while fasting?
Q: Is it permissible to wet the miswak before using it while fasting?
Q: I live on the masjid property.
Am I allowed to make miswaak before leaving my house and make whudu in the masjid whudu Khana?
Can I make miswaak before commencing whudu? Will the reward be more if made after washing the hands?
Q: If I use a miswaak before performing salaah at home alone, will I still get the reward of 70 times more as if I were to perform the salaah in the musjid?
Q: When making wudhu, should miswaak be made before or after gargling the mouth?
Q: It is sunnah to do miswaak before going to bed but if a person performs salah before bedtime and does his miswaak during ablution, does he need to do miswaak again before going to bed? If he made intention while making miswaak that it will be both for namaz and before going to bed, should he do it again?
Q: I have sensitive gums that bleed quite frequently and I have recently started using a miswak. If my gums bleed when I brush, how do I clean the miswak of blood? Is it enough to let water run over it?
Q: While performing wudhu, should miswaak be done before rinsing the mouth or after it?
Q: I would like to know the masnoon way of doing miswaak. Should it be right to left in one go which would be the "length" of the mouth and the "breadth" of the teeth or is it to be done in an up down motion on each tooth starting with the tooth on top on the right which would then be the "length" of the teeth and the "breadth" of the mouth?
Q: What is the Sunnah method of holding a miswaak to use it?
Q: How should a Miswaak be disposed of?