Published 4 months ago
Last updated 4 months ago
Q: I live on the masjid property.
Am I allowed to make miswaak before leaving my house and make whudu in the masjid whudu Khana?
Can I make miswaak before commencing whudu? Will the reward be more if made after washing the hands?
1. When making wudhu, the sunnah is that one carries out all the actions of wudhu (the faraaidh and sunan) one after the other at one time without there being any interval between the actions of wudhu. This is regarded as muwaalaat. Hence, the miswaak should be done with the wudhu, without any interval in between.
2. The sunnah is that the miswaak should be done at the time of gargling the mouth.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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