Respect for Ulama

Serving special meals to Ulama

Q: If in a gathering where meals are served, there are Ulama as well as non Ulamaa who are present. Will it be against the Sunnah to present normal meals to the general people and special meals to the Ulamaa?

We find the same scenario in the Ijtima where there is a special section for the Ulamaa' wherein extras special meals are served. Will it be against simplicity for an A'alim to eat in the Ulamaa section in the Ijtima?

Mother insulting Ulama

Q: I'm really becoming despondent of my parents attitude on Islam and how they criticize every sunnat that I strive to practice in my life and this is really becoming intolerable for me. On two separate occasions, my mother abused Pakistani Deobandi Ulema. I realize that this is a serious blasphemy and her nikah with my father must have been broken. Is it right, mufti sahab? My heart ached a lot when I heard such a comment on the pious deobandi ulema of pakistan who have sacrificed their lives for uplifting deen. And are reflection of the lives of Sahaba R.A. I have a lot of aqeedat with Deobandi Ulema and cannot live along with such a person who abuses them. I have heard stories of Sahaba R.A and pious akabireen who left their parents when they uttered blasphemous words against our Prophet SAW. As Prophet SAW's waaris are Ulema, for this reason I have decided to leave my house and enroll in Nadwatul Uloom or Mazahir Uloom for Alimiyah course without informing anyone from my family. I'm 20 years old and have currently 660 rupees in my bank account (10 dollars). I know that when I leave my house I shall face a lot problems but I really want to become an Aalim and study the deen. Most importantly, I can never live along some one who abuses deobandi ulema, I cannot tolerate this for a second. Whole of my entire family is very very far away from Islam. They never offer namaz for 5 times a day. My mother criticizes Hazrat Maulana Ilyas Ghuman D.B and it really infuriates me a lot. Will leaving the house because I cannot tolerate such blasphemous comments and for becoming an alim from a madarssa like Nadwatul uloom constitue a sin?

Speaking ill of the Ulama

Q: I would like to know is it kufar if one talks bad about the Ulama? The molanas in this town are having a braai at my husbands place so he made a comment like "the molanas are going to finish me up on Saturday because they don't bring anything and come and I must bring everything." I don't know if he said that or if he said "the molanas are pains they going to finish me up on Saturday because they don't bring anything and come and I must bring everything." I don't know if he used the word "pains" or not or if it is waswasaa from my part. Im 100% sure of the rest of the statement besides the word "pains". I told him not to say such things. But I do know that talking bad about the ulama can be detrimental to one's Deen.