What to do with gifts that one received on one's birthday?
Q: I do not celebrate birthdays, however my family does. What should I do with gifts they give me?
Q: I do not celebrate birthdays, however my family does. What should I do with gifts they give me?
Q: Can I wish someone on their birthday by saying, "May Allah grant you long life and good health", without saying, "Happy Birthday"? Is it permissible?
Q: My family plans on celebrating thanksgiving. I heard that it’s forbidden for a Muslim to prepare a turkey dinner on thanksgiving because this is an imitation of non-Muslims. It is confirmed in an authentic narration that whoever imitates a people is one of them.
If my family still plans on celebrating thanksgiving, should I avoid sitting with them? What must I do to not participate with them during this day?
Q: A husband and wife celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversary and accept gifts from birthday party's and anniversary party's. How can they make taubah?
Q: I have a question regarding the haldi ceremony. I have learnt that this haldi ceremony is a religious ceremony of Hindus. However, many Muslims in our country celebrate this haldi ceremony before a wedding. As far as I know, this is a grave sin and this is imitating the kuffar, but does it take one out of the fold of Islam?
Q: In school, the teacher and students celebrate Halloween. Can a Muslim child (7 years) celebrate Halloween with the teacher and other students? Can the Muslim kids just celebrate it for fun? Is it kufr to celebrate Halloween?
If the teacher gives some gift to the Muslim student, for example, some sticker to colour and a pumpkin mask for Halloween, can the kids play with it (the kids don't know about Halloween)?
Q: Is it allowed to accept an invitation from non-Muslims during their festivals which involves shirk (ganeshotsav) and go and eat with them?
We live in a building with all non-Muslims and they gather at night and perform rituals of festivals, sing songs and listen to songs with music on loudspeakers. One non-Muslim has invited all people of building for food.
Q: In recent years, we have seen a trend where Muslim homes put up decorations for Ramadaan and Eid on a wall or corner with banners of Ramadaan Mubarak or Eid Mubaarak, signs, paper flower decorations, light up signs, lanterns, door wreaths, etc.
Is this permissible or can it be surmounted to following the kuffaar way of Christmas decorations?
Q: Is it permissible to send seasonal greeting cards to non-Muslims at the time of Christmas if there are no religious symbols on them and without the intention of celebrating or supporting Christmas?
Q: Is it permissible to wish Hindus "happy Diwali" on the occasion of Diwali?