Celebrating birthdays and anniversaries
Q: If a Muslim celebrates birthdays or anniversaries, does he/she become a kaafir? Does he/she need to renew the shahaadah again?
Q: If a Muslim celebrates birthdays or anniversaries, does he/she become a kaafir? Does he/she need to renew the shahaadah again?
Q: Can I put up a Christmas tree in my house? My intention is not to celebrate Christmas, but I am just doing it because my kids like it. Also, is it permissible to gather with family on Christmas day and have a celebratory dinner with the intention of seeing each other?
Q: What is the ruling with regard to wishing someone "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" in Islam? What was the sunnah of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?
Q: I bought a donut from Dunkin Donuts because I was hungry and it ended up being heart shaped because of Valentine’s Day. I do not celebrate Valentine days and did not know that it would be heart shaped. I was not sure if I should return the doughnut but did not want to waste food so I ate it. Did I commit kufr or a sin ?
Q: Is it OK if I don't cut a cake on my son's birthday but I prepare some good food for family members and few relatives?
Q: Is it permissible to wish one another "Happy New Year" when the new english year starts? Some people say that the New Year's celebration has some kufr connotations. Is this correct?
Q: What is the ruling with regards to participating in Christmas celebrations? Is it permissible for a person to give gifts to the kuffaar on this occasion to promote his business?
Q: What is the ruling with regards to Christmas celebrations?
Q: Is it allowed for Muslim businessmen to promote their business through having Black Friday sales?
Q: Is it permissible for Muslims to have Easter, Diwali, Christmas, Black Friday sales, etc.? If it is not permissible, then what is the reason? Some Ulamaa say that this is emulation of the kuffaar. What does emulation of the kuffaar refer to?