
Origin of the Islamic months

Q: Is this correct, how do you pronounce and write the Islamic months?

‏ليعلم أن الاسم الصحيح للشهر السادس للسنة الهجرية هو: جمادى اﻵخرة. وجمادى: بضم الجيم وفتح الدال، واللفظ مؤنث، وهو منعوت إعرابا. واﻵخرة: نعت ل: جمادى. [للتفصيل لينظر: لسان العرب، الصحاح في اللغة، المصباح

Please note: The correct name for the sixth month of The Islamic Calender is [جمادى اﻵخرة] - Jumaada l-Aakhirah. (For details see: Lisaan l-Arab, As-Sihaah fi l-Lughah, Al-Misbaah l-Muneer) Who started the Islamic months, where does the names of the Islamic months come about and what do the names mean?

Doubts regarding Sayyids

Q: As a lot of people believe that there are still Sayyids like my family, some I have encountered do not believe in Sayyids and say we are fake, is it true?Any prove that Sayyids actually exist from the Hadith or anything that says there would be Sayyids?

Talking to inanimate objects

Q: Is asking or saying things to inanimate objects haram (or shirk)? For example, absentmindedly saying 'work faster' to your computer when it is slow or 'please stop hurting' to an injured limb? obviously, the person does not believe that these objects have any power whatsoever and that Allah is really the one in control.

Fear of being a coward

Q: I am so ashamed of writing this question but I am posing it cause I really need help. Here is the story:

I always thought I am strong enough to fight back and can fight for my right. But recently a huge man trying to hit me and looking for a chance to beat me and I am short and skinny guy. whenever i see him my heart beat increases and I cant feel my legs. After this incident I started hating myself and I have lost my confidence, the guilt of being a coward is killing me. I cant see my face in the mirror because of shame. I always have the feeling that I am a coward and feeling so guilty that Allah (SWT) loves brave muslims and I am not brave. My question is will Allah(SWT) love and forgive a coward muslim and is there any cure for that.